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It's a 'normous responsibility. Will you please let me, Mary El-len?" "I will not," replied Mary Ellen, firmly. "It'ud be as much as my place is worth." I began to cry. Angel came to the rescue. "Be a sport, Mary Ellen. Let him go.

He had put it off from day to day, though he was not sorry now to give some slight hint of his fears. "Old! he's no older nor me," said Mrs. Nixey. "A pretty thing it'ud be if folks gave up at sixty or so. There's another ten years' work in you," she wrote on the slate. "Ten years' work." How earnestly he wished it was true!

I think I'll 'ave a lay down for a bit; I'm tired. "'Better be off, I ses, shaking my 'ead. 'Time passes, and they might come back afore you think. "'Well, wot of it? ses 'Arry. "'Wot of it? I ses. 'Why, it'ud spoil everything. It 'ud be blue ruin. "'Are you sure? ses 'Arry'. "'Sartin, I ses. "'Well, make it five quid, and I'll go, then, he ses, sitting down agin.

"Go and get yourself 'arf a pint o' warm lemonade," chimed in the voice of the daring Joseph. Mr. Russell stepped towards him, but Mr. Vickers, seizing him by the coat, held him back and implored him to remember where he was. "I'd bump the lot of you for two pins," said the disappointed Mr. Russell, longingly. "And it'ud do you good; you'd all be the better for it.

I think I'll 'ave a lay down for a bit; I'm tired. "'Better be off, I ses, shaking my 'ead. 'Time passes, and they might come back afore you think. "'Well, wot of it? ses 'Arry. "'Wot of it? I ses. 'Why, it'ud spoil everything. It 'ud be blue ruin. "'Are you sure? ses 'Arry'. "'Sartin, I ses. "'Well, make it five quid, and I'll go, then, he ses, sitting down agin.

It'ud not be me 'at would neglec' any Christian that fate had thrown on me hands." "I thought so," said the doctor, half apologetically. "I'll call again shortly," and then, gathering in the fringe of his carriage apron, Dr. Belford bade Mrs. Pratt a temporary farewell, and was off. The small shabby brown door closed gently enough, and separated Mrs.

"Thank God, little girlie, you've got yer dues at last," was Uncle Terry's remark, and then, as the probable end of Telly's life with them cast its shadow athwart his vision, he bowed his face upon his hands and added in a pained voice: "I knowed it'ud come an' we'd lose ye, soon or late."

I reckon Master Tom told Harry to feed 'em, but there's no countin' on Harry; he's an offal creatur as iver come about the primises, he is. He remembers nothing but his own inside an' I wish it'ud gripe him." "Oh, Luke, Tom told me to be sure and remember the rabbits every day; but how could I, when they didn't come into my head, you know?

One such company, indeed, had already sprung into existence, out on Golden Point; and now was the time to nip in. If he, Ned, had the brass, or knew anybody who'd lend it to him, he'd buy up all the shares he could get. Those who followed his lead would make their fortunes. "I say, Richard, it'ud be something for you." His words evoked no response.

Jones meant inside the grove of trees. The proposition was most acceptable, and they took up their position, the pond in view, peeping out, and conversing in a whisper. By and by they heard the church clock strike eight. "I wish it'ud make haste," exclaimed Susan Peckaby, with some impatience.