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"Of course, if she continues to come up here and bother you, you can have her arrested." "Oh!" gasped Sheila. "Now, gal," said Cap'n Ira firmly, "don't you let your tender heart deceive you. That crazy critter ain't worth worrying about. She shan't be hurt. But I won't have her coming round here frightening you and Prudence. No, sir!" "Quite right," said Tunis, agreeing.

The next morning we met the father of Lieutenant Ira Ellsworth Lady who was one of the first of Pennsylvania's loyal sons from Adams county to offer the supreme sacrifice in the World War. The Post of the American Legion at Arendtsville is named in his honor. Alas! How poor, how futile are words to express the nobleness of those young men, the fairest and purest our land could offer.

"And he has brought into New Orleans no coins, boxes, or clocks against your Excellency's orders with the image and superscription of the Goddess in whose name all things are done. He has not sung 'Ca Ira' at the theatres, and he detests the tricolored cockades as much as you do." The Baron laughed in spite of himself, and began to thaw.

At Frolics in the Air, whither they moved after draining Reigelheimer's of what joys it had to offer, and at Peale's, where they went after wearying of Frolics in the Air, he was in the highest spirits. It was only occasionally that the recollection came to vex him that this could not last, that since his Uncle Ira had played him false he must return anon to the place whence he had come.

The old man hobbling around the barn trying to catch an old hen was a sight to make the angels weep." "Poor, poor Cap'n Ira!" she murmured. "And poor Aunt Prudence and poor me!" exclaimed Tunis. "What do you think is going to happen to me? If you go away, I shall have to sell all I own in the world and follow you." "Tunis!" she cried, almost in fear. "You wouldn't." "I certainly would.

These ancient sea dogs, on such a day as this, were unfailingly found "walking the poop" of their front yards, or wherever they could take their diurnal exercise, binoculars or spyglass in hand, their vision more often fixed seaward than on the land. Cap'n Ira had scarcely put the glass to his eye for a first squint at his "position" when he exclaimed: "I swan! That's a master-pretty sight.

At last they hove in sight, and one of our frigates, the `Inconstant, got so close that she brought to action the `Ca Ira, a French eighty-four, which had carried away her main and foretop masts. The `Inconstant, however, was obliged to bear away, and a French frigate came up and took the line-of-battle ship in tow, while two other line-of-battle ships guarded her on her weather bow.

As a respectable woman, she couldn't afford to have a brother-in-law tearing around all the time and being the talk of the town. And the fat good-natured sailor's eyes would fill with tears, ira de diós, at what his Dolores was saying, a real woman, by God, as kind as a mother to that fool of a boy! As his funds got lower, Tonet's attendance on his brother's household was still more assiduous.

She knew that Prudence had given neither thought nor attention to getting the dinner. The girl the Balls had received in Ida May's name and supposed identity had done it all herself. It seemed to be expected of her! She saw, before the day was over, that Sheila was a very busy person indeed. That she not only did the housework, but that she waited upon Prudence and Cap'n Ira "hand and foot."

This highway wandered down from the Head into the fishing village along the inner beach of Big Wreck Cove. Prudence watched Ira with fond but comprehending eyes. She saw how broken he was, how stumbling his feet when he first started off, and the swaying locomotion that betrayed that feebleness of both brain and body that can never be denied.