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BUT O! REVENGE IS SWEET. Thus think the crowd; who, eager to engage, Take quickly fire, and kindle into rage. Not so mild Thales nor Chrysippus thought, Nor that good man, who drank the poisonous draught With mind serene; and could not wish to see His vile accuser drink as deep as he: Exalted Socrates! divinely brave! Injur'd he fell, and dying he forgave!

Shou'dst thou stab here a thousand gaping Wounds, Upon this false, this perjur'd Heart of mine, It wou'd not part with Life, unless 'twere laid Near to the Sacred Altar of my Vows, Low at the Feet of my fair injur'd Wife. Friend. Canst thou repent thy Injuries to her, And leave the rest of all thy Sins neglected? Bel.

The two young Ladies having given a notable Example of outwitting those who had a Right in the Disposal of them, and marrying without Consent of Parents, one of the injur'd Parties, who is easily reconciled, winds up all with this Remark, ... Design whate'er we will, There is a Fate which over-rules us still.

"To avoid confusion," interrupted Lycas, "give me a reason for all particulars as I shall ask you; and first, if they came with design to surrender themselves, why did they cut off their hair? for all disguises are assum'd rather to deceive than satisfie the injur'd.

The Indians ground their Wars on Enmity, not on Interest, as the Europeans generally do; for the Loss of the meanest Person in the Nation, they will go to War and lay all at Stake, and prosecute their Design to the utmost; till the Nation they were injur'd by, be wholly destroy'd, or make them that Satisfaction which they demand.

In fact she goes out of her way in the Preface to "The Injur'd Husband" to defend herself and at the same time to suggest the possibility that her novel might contain references to English contemporaries. The defence is carefully worded so that it does not constitute an absolute denial, but rather whets the curiosity.

Marriage is a contract for life and will never bear a hasty conclusion. Never be in a hurry! Trifles, light as air Are to the jealous confirmations strong, As proofs of holy writ. Nor Jealousy Was understood, the injur'd lover's hell. O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock The meat it feeds on.

In some it is Envy, because they think themselves affronted and injur'd by my great Rise, as knowing themselves to be of greater Consideration in their Country, and fancifying themselves themselves to be as well qualified by their Parts. Others again are out of Humour, because I do not comply with all their unreasonable Demands, their Luxury always keeping them necessitous.

These thoughts and the image of the beautiful Circe so rais'd my mind, that I oft, as if my love was in my arms, with a great deal of fruitless ardour, hug'd the bed-cloaths, till out of patience with the lasting affliction I began to reproach my impotence; yet recovering my presence of mind, I flew for comfort to the misfortunes of ancient hero's, and thus broke out: "Not only me th' avenging gods pursue, Oft they their anger on their hero's throw; By Juno's rage Alcides Heaven bore, And Pelia's injur'd Juno knew before.

After the Prince of Tanais's homage to the sun we hear something fulsome about the virtues of King William, alias Tamerlane: "No lust of rule, the common vice of Kings, No furious zeal, inspir'd by hot-brain'd priests, Ill hid beneath religion's specious name, E'er drew his temp'rate courage to the field: But to redress an injur'd people's wrongs, To save the weak one from the strong oppressor, Is all his end of war.