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I As the bark floateth on o'er the summer-lit sea, Floats my heart o'er the deeps of its passion for thee; All lost in the space, without terror it glides, For bright with thy soul is the face of the tides. Now heaving, now hush'd, is that passionate ocean, As it catches thy smile or thy sighs; And the twin-stars that shine on the wanderer's devotion Its guide and its god are thine eyes!

There also remain among his papers three Acts of a Drama, without a name, written evidently in haste, and with scarcely any correction, the subject of which is so wild and unmanageable, that I should not have hesitated in referring it to the same early date, had not the introduction into one of the scenes of "Dry be that tear, be hush'd that sigh," proved it to have been produced after that pretty song was written.

"Lament ye maids an' darters For constant Sarah Ann, Who hang'd hersel' in her garters All for the love o' man, All for the " She was pausing, bottle in hand, to take the high note: but hush'd suddenly at the sound of the voices singing in the room upstairs "Vivre en tout cas C'est le grand soulas Des honnetes gens!" "That's the foreigners," said the chambermaid, and went on with her ditty

Dry be that tear, my gentlest love, Be hush'd that struggling sigh, Nor seasons, day, nor fate shall prove More fix'd, more true than I. Hush'd be that sigh, be dry that tear, Cease boding doubt, cease anxious fear. Dry be that tear. Ask'st thou how long my love will stay, When all that's new is past; How long, ah Delia, can I say How long my life will last?

Hush'd be each plaint o'er fallen brave; Still ev'ry sigh to messmate given; The seaman's tomb is in the wave; The hero's latest hope is heaven! High lift the voice in revelry! Gay raise the song, the shout, the glee; Three cheers for victory!

We all made an excellent dinner; and at the dessert, I handed my Canary wine round in shells; and then Ernest rose and sung us very prettily, to a familiar air, some little verses he had composed: On this festive happy day, Let us pour our grateful lay; Since Heaven has hush'd our mother's pain, And given her to her sons again. Then from this quiet, lovely home Never, never, may we roam.

Many's the night she wak'd for me, To nurse my helpless infancy: While cradled on her patient arm, She hush'd me with a mother's charm. Sleep, mother, sleep! thy slumber's blest; It joys my heart to see thee rest. And be it mine to soothe thy age, With tender care thy grief assuage, This hope is left to poorest poor, And richest child can do no more.

For my heart stood still, and I was fain to clutch the table between us to keep me from falling. I think this did not escape him, for he gave me a sharp look, and then spoke very quiet and hush'd, "She was cruelly kill'd by highwaymen, at the 'Three Cups' inn, some miles out of Hungerford. The date given me is the 3d of December last."

'And down the sunny beach she paces slowly, With many doubtful pauses by the way; Grief hath an influence so hush'd and holy. HOOD. 'Is not Margaret the heiress? whispered Edith to her husband, as they were in their room alone at night after the sad journey to Oxford.

"'Twas now the time when Phoebus yields to night, And rising Cynthia sheds her silver light, Wide o'er the world in solemn pomp she drew Her airy chariot hung with pearly dew All birds and beasts he hush'd. Sleep steals away The wild desires of men and toils of day, And brings, descending through the silent air, A sweet forgetfulness of human care."