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If this Mexican has simply been shot down " "Who is that?" Steele demanded of the girl. "I can't see him." "That" Janet Hosmer's speech faltered "that is Mr. Sorenson. Oh, they misunderstand! Let me push in there and tell them how it happened." The engineer's hand closed about her arm. "You'll do nothing of the kind," he commanded, low. "But " "No. Remain quiet and listen."

I will identify myself with that which will not die with Columella and will not die with Hosmer." At Hosmer's house the two young men lived in a single room, and did their own cooking and house-keeping. Mrs. Hosmer furnished them with milk, and they ate crackers, cheese, and fruit largely. They were Grahamites, and used no meat. They read much, and had with them a large number of books.

It was while the Curtises were living at Hosmer's that they assisted Thoreau in building his hut at Walden Pond. Thoreau says that in March, 1845, he borrowed an axe and went into the woods to build him a house. The axe was procured of Emerson, and he says he returned it sharper than when he received it.

Afterward I made a little book myself, giving the results of our investigations set forth in papers read at meetings of the Club, notes of experiments, and of Mr. Hosmer's lectures or rather talks on the wonderful works of the Formicidae. The publication of this book marked my first appearance in the literary world. Charles Hosmer was a born naturalist.

Unfortunately when yet half a mile from town his car suffered one of the common misadventures of automobiles: ping-g-g! sang a tire in a shrill dying whine. Weir did not stop to change and inflate the tube, but pushed ahead on his mission though at slackened speed. He brought his car to rest before Doctor Hosmer's house.

Then he only said he was sorry he couldn't have the pleasure of my friendship " "Ay-ee," the other grated. His lips worked above his teeth. A shudder passed over Janet Hosmer's skin at the sound and the sight, for she had never seen him like this. A cold hand might have been closing about her heart: his glare was animal-like and bestial. His nature at the instant stood unclothed.

I went with my husband to call at Miss Hosmer's studio, and met the Hon. Mr. Cowper, who stopped to talk. Mr. Browning darted upon us across the Piazza., glowing with cordiality. Miss Hosmer could not admit us, because she was modeling Lady Mordaunt's nose. Governor Seymour called. I took Rose to a window in the Carnival. It was a mad, merry time.

After Miss Hosmer's return to Rome, she worked on "Zenobia" with energy and enthusiasm, as she molded the clay, and then the plaster. When brought to this country, it awakened the greatest interest; crowds gathered to see it. In Chicago it was exhibited at the Sanitary Fair in behalf of the soldiers. Whittier said: "It very fully expresses my conception of what historical sculpture should be.

F. E. Chadwick's The Causes of the Civil War and J. K. Hosmer's The Appeal to Arms are the best brief and recent accounts of the events of 1859 to 1862. But Rhodes, McMaster, and Schouler cover the period to 1876, each after his distinctive method.

Johnson arose from the ground and approached as she alighted, while the girl's head popped into sight at the door. "I'm Dr. Hosmer's daughter, Janet," she stated, putting out her hand and smiling. "I've come to see you on a matter. Shall we go into the house?" With curiosity sharing a vague hostility in his bearing he led her in, where his daughter was setting the table.