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The horses'll be here in about twenty minutes, and a battle's somethin' I'm pinin' to see, too." The boys ate their breakfast rapidly and in silence. A half hour later they were galloping furiously for Los Angeles, escorted by the equally enthusiastic Hill. The river was low and quiet. The horses swam it without let from tide or snag. Even Adan forgot to cross himself.

"He won't let 'em get far into the timber," said Shoop. "He sure saves me a lot of steps, roundin' up them hosses." "I can whistle Gray Leg to me," said Lorry. "Then the other horses'll come." Shoop nodded. "What you goin' to do to-day?" "Me? Well, it's so kind of quiet and big up here I feel like settin' around and takin' it all in. I ain't been in the high country much.

"Make 'em step back there!" he commanded his myrmidons savagely. "Fix it so's your horses'll step on their feet if they don't do what I say!" Then, from his shining saddle, he watched the throngs slinking away. "I guess they know who I am NOW!"

"Thought it 'ud be 'we! Your place is at the rear, giving orders!" "We come down the track at top speed, and the impetus will carry us clear across the ramp. Some of the horses'll go down, because the slope is slippery. But the remainder will front form squadron, and charge down hill in line. Then watch!" "All right," Fred grumbled. "But how about you rear while all that's going on?