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M. Hoffman's residence is at the end of a court-yard, almost as quiet and as retired as if it were in a convent; his articles will be found of the best quality, both he and Madame speak English, and rival each other in attention and civility to their customers; they have an assortment of the different specimens of their work, consisting of every variety which is worn, according with the fashion and season.

With a joyful squeal of recognition he gave it up, turned one mighty, inebriated somersault and went flying down, shedding Mrs. Hoffman's garments to the right and left in his flight, and landed plump on Jim's shoulder, where he sat grinning general amnesty, while a rousing cheer went up for the two friends. The slate was wiped clean. Jim had come home from the war.

Phil laughed, but still seemed pleased at the prophecy. "Well, Phil, I must bid you good-by for a little while, or my clerks will be cheating me. I will see you at supper." "Addio, Paolo," said Phil. "Addio," said Paul, laughing. "Wouldn't I make a good Italian?" Paul returned to his stand, and Phil took the direction of Mrs. Hoffman's rooms.

The blue eyes were wide open and all aglow with the tender light of her great love. "Barney," she said over and over, "my love, my love, my ah, not mine " A sob caught her voice. Over her desk hung a copy of Hoffman's great picture, the Christ kneeling in Gethsemane. She went close to the picture. "O Christ!" she cried brokenly, "I, too! Help me!" A knock came to the door, Nurse Crane entered.

"Take care that you do as well to-morrow," he said. "Go and get your supper." One of the larger boys was distributing bread and cheese to the hungry boys. Nearly all ate as if famished, plain and uninviting as was the supper, for they had been many hours without food. But Phil, who, as we know, had eaten a good supper at Mrs. Hoffman's, felt very little appetite.

Then we would drop down to "Carmen," "La Bohême," Hoffman's "Erzäblung," and think, "This is life!" Each night that we spared for a spree we sought out some beer-hall as unfrequented a one as possible, to get all the local color we could. Once Carl decided that, as long as we had come so far, I must get a glimpse of real European night-life it might startle me a bit, but would do no harm.

Consequently, many vague theorists have been excellent practitioners, and Hoffman was one of these. Some of the remedies he introduced are still in use, notably the spirits of ether, or "Hoffman's anodyne."

Hoffman's cherished meerschaum, and leisurely picking the putty from the glass and dropping it upon the heads of the maddened couple. The old German's terror and emotion at the sight nearly choked him. "Jocko," he called, with shaking voice, "you fool monkey! Jocko! Papa's pet! Come down mit mine pipe!"

Look while mirth or feeling move her, And see there how sweetly rise Thoughts gay and gentle from a breast Which is of innocence the nest Which, though each joy were from it shred, By truth would still be tenanted!" HOFFMAN'S Poems. It was yet dark when Elsie awoke, but, hearing the clock strike five, she knew it was morning.

Phil laughed, for there was something ludicrous in the idea of Jimmy, who was a slight boy of seven, making away with such a large quantity, and the little boy began to see that it was a joke at his expense. The dinner went off well. All had a good appetite, and did full justice to Mrs. Hoffman's cookery. The pudding in particular was pronounced a success.