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In brief, Monsieur Peloux his guilty eyes averted, the shame-tears streaming afresh from his bald head presented his criminal demand and stated the sum that he would pay for its gratification. This sum being in keeping with his own estimate of what it paid for was so much in excess of the hireling's views concerning the value of a mere cat-killing that he fairly jumped at it.

This we infer from the fact, that "a hireling's day," was a sort of proverbial phrase, meaning a full day. No subtraction of time being made from it. So a hireling's year signifies an entire year without abatement. Job. vii. 1; xiv. 6; Isa. xvi. 14; xxi. 16.

I love you better now, when I can really be useful to you, than I did in your state of proud independence, when you disdained every part but that of the giver and protector." "Hitherto I have hated to be helped to be led: henceforth, I feel I shall hate it no more. I did not like to put my hand into a hireling's, but it is pleasant to feel it circled by Jane's little fingers.

Alas! she told me which, but I forget it now; but his name, surely I remember his name! Well, well, it is a sad story. Adieu, my dear child! good-by! We have each a weary road before us; but my journey, although the longest, will be soonest accomplished. Do not forget my words to you. Your own country, and your country's cause, above every other; all else is the hireling's part.

I would have brought you money, but I could not have asked for your blessing, then; mother, I ask it now!" "If I had but known if you had but written to me, my dear young gentleman but my offers had been refused, and " "Offers of a hireling's pittance to her; to her for whom my father would have coined his heart's blood into gold! My father's wife! his wife! offers "

The secret of Wallenstein's ambition is buried in his grave, but the man himself was the prince of adventurers, the ideal chief of mercenary bands, the arch contractor for the hireling's blood. His character was formed in a vast political gambling house, a world given up to pillage and the strong hand, an Eldorado of confiscations.

Even now I felt, that of the few daydreams I once indulged in he had robbed me of the best, and reduced me to the sad reflection which haunted me throughout my whole career, and imbittered every passing enjoyment of my life: I mean, the sorrowful thought of being an alien, of having but the hireling's part in that career of glory which others followed; that I alone could have no thrill of patriotism, when all around me were exulting in its display; that I had neither home nor country!

Some who are foremost in the amount of service may also be most free from the self-righteous spirit, and some who have laboured least may also receive least if they do their little under the influence of a hireling's selfishness.

I would have brought you money, but I could not have asked for your blessing, then; mother, I ask it now!" "If I had but known if you had but written to me, my dear young gentleman but my offers had been refused, and " "Offers of a hireling's pittance to her; to her for whom my father would have coined his heart's blood into gold! My father's wife! his wife! offers "

"If you are too proud to remain here as you have done for so many years, how do you suppose you can endure the humiliations and affronts which will certainly be your portion when you accept a hireling's position in the family of a stranger? Don't you know that of all drudgery that required of governesses is most fraught with vexation and bitterness of spirit?