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We were all over at Hinpoha's house that night, because Aunt Phoebe had just come back with the Doctor and they wanted to see us. "And you be careful of your bones, Missis Sahwah!" said the Doctor, playfully shaking his finger at her. "Are you going if it rains?" asked Aunt Phoebe.

It took us a few minutes to realize the import of what we found. There, apparently, was our trunk, but the things in it were not ours. They belonged to the other girls. There was Gladys's pink silk crepe kimono; and Hinpoha's blue one; there were Gladys's Turkish slippers with the turned up toes; there were Hinpoha's stockings, plainly marked with her name.

There was no money at all to be spent for this purpose. Migwan took a careful stock of the resources of the house. The only promising thing she found was a leather skin which Hinpoha had given her the summer before for helping her write up the weekly Count in Hiawatha meter, which was outside of Hinpoha's range of talents. She considered the possibilities of that skin carefully.

Sahwah agreed amiably; she did not care two straws about fortune-telling herself, but she knew Hinpoha's hobby and willingly submitted to countless "readings" of her future, in various ways, by the ardent amateur seeress. Hinpoha shook the bottle energetically, and then watched intently as the petals gradually ceased whirling and came to rest at the bottom of the bottle.

Pearl only opened her eyes wider at Hinpoha's recital and answered with a sigh, "Oh, I never could do it!" The girls went on happily planning how they would take her back to Cleveland with them and make her one of the Winnebagos. They had to slow up the Striped Beetle along the road for a cow and a calf that were monopolizing the right of way and Hinpoha decided to take a picture of them.

"They make me feel so small." "I should think that anything that made you feel small would " Gladys again interrupted the flow of Chapa's wit, directed this time against Hinpoha's bulk. "I'm going to bed," she announced.

Suddenly their laughter was echoed by a smothered giggle, which seemed to come from the sky. Startled, they looked up, to see Hinpoha's convulsed face peering down at them between the branches of a high tree. They dropped their knives and dishes in amazement. "What are you doing up there?" gasped Mr. Evans.

Hinpoha's heart sang in sympathy with the joy of the reunited lovers. Sahwah had come over to get her lessons with Hinpoha, and as she turned the leaves of her "Cicero" a little red heart dropped out on the floor. Hinpoha stooped to pick it up. "What's this?" she asked with interest. Sahwah blushed. "Ned Roberts you remember Ned Roberts up at camp sent it to me for a valentine."

Emily turned white and red by turns and leaned against the wall trembling. "Yes, I stole it," she said in a kind of desperation. Something in her voice took the scorn out of Hinpoha's face. She looked at her curiously. "Why did you try to steal, Emily?" she asked gently. Emily burst into tears and sank to her knees. "You wouldn't understand," she sobbed.

"Where did you learn to do that?" asked Aunt Phoebe. "Camp Fire First Aid class," replied Hinpoha. "Humph!" said Aunt Phoebe. But she did some thinking nevertheless, and was fully aware that it was Hinpoha's prompt action which had saved her from bleeding to death. Her arm was tied up for some days afterward and she was unable to use it. Hinpoha waited on her with angelic patience.