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W. being infirm, and it being within the bounds of probability that his decease might lead to some discoveries, and to the downfall of HEEP'S power over the W. family, as I, Wilkins Micawber, the undersigned, assume unless the filial affection of his daughter could be secretly influenced from allowing any investigation of the partnership affairs to be ever made, the said HEEP deemed it expedient to have a bond ready by him, as from Mr.

telling him, adding, One is reminded of Mrs. Heep's repeated adjuration, "Be 'umble, Ury," and the likeness is not lessened when we find them ingratiatingly sidling themselves into public favor. We hear them timidly inquiring of their inspiration, and pleading with their critics, At times they resort to the mixed metaphor to express their innocuous unimportance, declaring,

There was no one in the quaint old drawing-room, though it presented tokens of Mrs. Heep's whereabouts. I looked into the room still belonging to Agnes, and saw her sitting by the fire, at a pretty old-fashioned desk she had, writing. My darkening the light made her look up.

However, I thought of Agnes, and could say nothing. In the end all the evil machinations of Uriah Heep were frustrated by my old friend Mr. Micawber, who, visiting Canterbury on the chance of something suitable turning up, and meeting me in Heep's company, was subsequently engaged by Heep as a clerk at twenty-two and sixpence per week.

Paul's struck one; now I was hopelessly endeavouring to get a licence to marry Dora, having nothing but one of Uriah Heep's gloves to offer in exchange, which the whole Commons rejected; and still, more or less conscious of my own room, I was always tossing about like a distressed ship in a sea of bed-clothes. My aunt was restless, too, for I frequently heard her walking to and fro.

Wickfield's office, where I sat down again, in the chair I had first occupied, to await their return. It so happened that this chair was opposite a narrow passage, which ended in the little circular room where I had seen Uriah Heep's pale face looking out of the window.

But, his joy received a sudden check; for within five minutes, he returned in the custody of a sheriff 's officer, informing us, in a flood of tears, that all was lost. We, being quite prepared for this event, which was of course a proceeding of Uriah Heep's, soon paid the money; and in five minutes more Mr.

But I was still more surprised, when I went to the little hotel next day at the appointed dinner-hour, which was four o'clock, to find, from what Mr. Micawber said, that he had gone home with Uriah, and had drunk brandy-and-water at Mrs. Heep's. 'And I'll tell you what, my dear Copperfield, said Mr. Micawber, 'your friend Heep is a young fellow who might be attorney-general.

'It is humble, said Mr. Micawber, to quote a favourite expression of my friend Heep; but it may prove the stepping-stone to more ambitious domiciliary accommodation. I asked him whether he had reason, so far, to be satisfied with his friend Heep's treatment of him?

I don't remember that any individual object had a bare, pinched, spare look; but I do remember that the whole place had. It was perhaps a part of Mrs. Heep's humility, that she still wore weeds. Notwithstanding the lapse of time that had occurred since Mr. Heep's decease, she still wore weeds.