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Very few of the citizens of Haskell were abroad, although a small group were ornamenting the platform in front of Healey's saloon opposite. At that moment the little marshal, his broad-brimmed hat cocked over one eye, emerged from the narrow alleyway between the Red Dog and the adjacent dance-hall, and stood there doubtfully, his gaze wandering up and down the deserted street.

Any one whom Friend Comstock recommends will be all right, I know." As Mrs. Healey's style of designation indicated, Friend Comstock was a Quakeress, well known, greatly esteemed, an old friend of Miss Ercildoune, and of Miss Ercildoune's father.

"No, no; read his death-bed confession, and you will see he was your malignant foe." He read the paper through, and his hands trembled with excitement, astonishment and rage. He was about to say something, when she interrupted him with: "No, no; don't, don't, George. He is dead let us forgive. If you want more proof, I have it. See Father Healey's statement. He took Joseph Swartz's confession."

When I saw I was to have a respite of a month or so, I went over to the National Industrial Bank with Healey's roll, which my tellers had counted and prepared for deposit. I finished my business with the receiving teller of the National Industrial, and dropped in on my friend Lewis, the first vice-president.

"I'll bet you never met THEM at Healey's!" "I meet all kinds of people in my business," said Ford. "I once sold that man some mining stock, and the joke of it was," he added, smiling knowingly, "it turned out to be good." Ashton decided that the psychological moment had arrived. "What IS your business?" he asked. "I'm a company promoter," said Ford easily. "I thought I told you."

Dawkins gazed at her large feet in embarrassment. "I don't know, ma'am," she admitted. "I didn't suppose you'd want her here so I sent her away. It was quite inconvenient, too with the servant problem what it is. But I'm hoping to get another this afternoon from Miss Healey's." Miss Beekman was genuinely annoyed. "I am seriously displeased with you, Dawkins!" she returned severely.

"I'll bet you never met them at Healey's!" "I meet all kinds of people in my business," said Ford. "I once sold that man some mining stock, and the joke of it was," he added, smiling knowingly, "it turned out to be good." Ashton decided that the psychological moment had arrived. "What is your business?" he asked. "I'm a company promoter," said Ford easily. "I thought I told you."

They called him th' boy or-rator iv Healey's slough. "He planned th' campaign himsilf. 'I'll not re-sort, says he, 'to th' ordin'ry methods, he says. 'Th' thing to do, he says, 'is to prisint th' issues iv th' day to th' voters, he says. 'I'll burn up ivry precin't in th' ward with me iloquince, he says. An' he bought a long black coat, an' wint out to spread th' light. "He talked ivrywhere.

They was livin' down near Healey's slough in wan iv thim ol' Doherty's houses, not Doherty that ye know, th' j'iner, a good man whin he don't dhrink. No, 'twas an ol' grouch iv a man be th' name iv Malachi Doherty that used to keep five-day notices in his thrunk, an' ownded his own privit justice iv th' peace.

"Is this the way madness begins?" I dressed myself again and went out went up to Joe Healey's gambling place in Forty-fourth Street. Most of the well-known gamblers up town, as well as their "respectable" down town fellow members of the fraternity, were old acquaintances of mine; Joe Healey was as close a friend as I had. He had great fame for squareness and, in a sense, deserved it.