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I can see through, however; an' it's the hobbles of that Caldwell beauty's innocence that's holdin' him. "Bloojacket walks over to where Hardrobe's layin' dead an' straightens him round laigs an' arms an' places his big white cow hat over his face.

"While I don't go pryin' 'round this Hardrobe's private affairs savages is mighty sensitive of sech matters I learns, incidental, that Hardrobe is fair rich. He's rich even for Osages; an' they're as opulent savages as ever makes a dance or dons a feather. Later, I finds out that Hardrobe's squaw Bloojacket's mother is dead. "'See thar? says Hardrobe one day.

Thar's no more sign of feelin', whether love or hate, in the eyes of Bloojacket while he performs these ceremonies than if Hardrobe's a roll of blankets. But thar's no disrespects neither; jest a great steadiness. When he has composed him out straight, Bloojacket looks at the remainder for mebby a minute. Then he shakes his head.

"Tharupon Bloojacket wheels on the half-breed who runs the deadfall an' who's standin' still an' scared, an' says: "'How much does he owe? Then he pays Hardrobe's charges for antelope steaks an' what chuck goes with it, an' at the close of these fiscal op'rations, remarks to the half-breed who ain't sayin' no more'n he can he'p, 'Don't touch belt nor buckle on him; you-all knows me! An' I can see that half-breed restauraw party is out to obey Bloojacket's mandates.