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Cheap, I think," answered Devonshire. "H'it's a go. We'll 'ave the stuff h'at the h'inn down h'in what's the name of that town?" said the tall one. "Gold City, sir, Gold City!" spoke up the excited host. "Well, Gold City that's the spot. We'll pay the cash there. My banker'll come h'in there to-night h'in the stage."

Ole Suh William Johnsing, he done buy me; Suh John, he done sell me; Mars Varick, he buy me; an' hyah ah is, suh heart dess daid foh de Halifax san's." He bent his withered head and laid his face on my hands, but no tear fell. After a moment he straightened, snuffled, and smiled, opening his lips with a dry click. "H'it's dat-a-way, suh. Ole Cato dess 'bleged to fix up de young marster.

As the night came on, the two men were forced to move about to keep from freezing. Tip-toeing along, avoiding heavy glass windows, they conversed in low tones. "We've been h'at h'it now goin' h'on twenty-four 'ours," murmured Jarvis. "H'it's two hundred h'an' forty miles, h'an' h'our course u'd be shorter than a reindeer's.

The sun was setting behind the dark line of timber. Some object at a point where the timber ended and the tundra began cast back the sunlight with a golden glow. "D' y' see it, lad?" exclaimed the excited old man. "D'y'see it? H'it's gold."

But presently, as they paused on a high ridge of ice for a survey of their surroundings, Jarvis said: "H'I said back there they might be coal in the banks. There is, an' other minerals there are 'ere, too. H'it's a rich land, an' now we're 'ere we'd make our fortunes if that daffy doctor wasn't 'eaded straight fer the Pole, an' nobody 'ere to stop 'im." "What do you make of it?"

Then, as the ingenious ruse occurred to him, a flood of language rose to his lips and would not be dammed, though everything else was. "Gone and hogged all the supper, did you!" he growled. "H'it's a nice state of affairs, when a man comes 'ome from a 'ard day's work to a h'empty table."

"Ho! that's your game is it?" snarled Cadge, gasping with indignation. "That's 'ow you two plot against a poor 'ard-workin' man with a family, to beat him out of 'is pay. H'it's a put-up job, that's wot h'it is! But you don't get the best of Tom Cadge that way. I'll 'ave a h'orficer 'ere if I don't get my money, you bloomin' old plotters, you!" "Yes, you had better call an officer," agreed Mr.

'Yours affectionately, 'HELEN RAYNER. General Forsyth gave his consent to my going, and I returned that afternoon with John, who was full of garrulous accounts of Miss Rayner's illness. He wound up with saying, 'And h'it's just my doing that hi'm taking you back. I said to Susan this morning, I won't be a party to hiding h'it h'any longer.

'Jes' you watch 'em when de horseback gen'lemen dey goes by, Mas' Gotham, and you'll see de heads turn! But Gotham had watched enough already to know there was no mistake about that. 'Well, he said, 'since h'it's 'ere, h'it's 'ere, and 'll 'ave to stay, no doubt. I'll take it to the library. 'Cotch him first! said Dingee, moving a little out of reach. 'Where Missee Hazel?

Immediately a line of fire was kindled and its light, reflected again and again by the dazzling whiteness of their prison walls, made the whole place as light as day. At once Jarvis gave a cry of surprise and began crawling toward the farthest side. "H'I told you there was minerals," he exclaimed. "E's a rich un, this bloomin' 'eathen. H'it's gold, h'I'll be blowed!"