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Gussie didn't have time to do a good job on it, either; so we asked Jud to help us out, and he said he would if Gussie " There was a movement at the door, and the company glanced over their shoulders just in time to see Gussie's dress whisk out of sight down the hall. " would give him a kiss. So you see we got that work done dirt cheap, too.

Naturally, I realize that lacing Gussie's orange juice is not one of those regular duties for which you receive the monthly stipend, and if you care to stand on the strict letter of the contract, I suppose there is nothing to be done about it. But you will permit me to observe that this is scarcely the feudal spirit." "I am sorry, sir." "It is quite all right, Jeeves, quite all right.

I left Jeeves to get my baggage safely past an aggregation of suspicious-minded pirates who were digging for buried treasures among my new shirts, and drove to Gussie's hotel, where I requested the squad of gentlemanly clerks behind the desk to produce him. That's where I got my first shock. He wasn't there. I pleaded with them to think again, and they thought again, but it was no good.

Nothing so very dreadful has happened, after all. I was quite alarmed at Gussie's account, and feared something serious had occurred. Don't be so foolish as to mind this bit of paper." But Dexie buried her face in her father's shoulder and cried the more. "Oh, it is too bad of you, auntie.

She and her mother had always gone through a little formula upon Miss Fink's return from work. They never used it now. Gussie's mother was a real mother the kind that wakes up when you come home. "That you, Gussie?" Ma Fink would call from the bedroom, at the sound of the key in the lock. "It's me, ma." "Heiny bring you home?" "Sure," happily. "There's a bit of sausage left, and some pie if "

It is a waste of time to try and persuade me to do what my whole soul refuses to consider, even for a moment." "But why? Tell me why, Dexie? What have you against me? Is it on Gussie's account, or is it Lancy Gurney that comes between us?" "What matters the reason? Call it what you like, it stands between us, and always will," she answered with rising color. "You will not say!

My poor mother-in-law did not recognize me. She talked incessantly of Augustus. She seemed quite happy. He was a boy again to her sometimes an infant, and at others almost grown up. Once or twice she asked Amelia if I was not the new tenant at the cottage. "She's a pretty girl," she said, "and Gussie's wonderful took with her."

"You will find me waiting your appearance," and making a sweeping, old-fashioned courtesy, she pulled her bonnet forward with a jerk and danced out of the room. Traverse looked after her with a smile, and with a few pleasant words to Mr. Sherwood, and a polite "good-morning" to Gussie, he bowed himself out. As soon as Guy was beyond hearing, Gussie's ill-humor found vent.

They said Bill succeeded so well because he never went to one of "them highbrow schools." I am sorry to say I thought that way for a good while. But now I see that Bill went up in spite of his handicaps. If he had had Gussie's fine equipment he might have accomplished vastly more. The book and the college suffer at the hands of their friends.

He had only to take a seat by Gussie's side, and say a few words to her, even the most commonplace, and Dexie's reserve would melt at once, so he spent many pleasant evenings in the parlor by this little scheme. He knew very well that Gussie was spreading her net, but if he found Dexie entangled in the meshes instead, Gussie's injured feelings would not trouble him.