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"That flag must have some meaning to it " Judith hurriedly interposed. "Open it wider, Deerslayer, that we may see the colours." "Well, I pity the ensign that has to shoulder this cloth, and to parade it about on the field. Why 'tis large enough, Judith, to make a dozen of them colours the King's officers set so much store by. These can be no ensign's colours, but a gin'ral's!"

An' so, I say, ye'll have to look on thim gin'ral's clothes as yer own; an' whin ye get free, as I hope ye'll be soon, ye may wear thim away home wid ye, an' take my blessin' wid ye. Moreover, ye'll have to keep this room. I'll spind this day in examinin' yer clothes, an' to-morrow I'll examine the other room.

"But afther awhile, whin th' frost is on th' pumpkin an' th' corn is in th' shock, whin th' roads has been repaired, an' ivry gin'ral's lookin' his best, an' in no danger iv a cold on th' chist, they'll prance away. An' whin they get to th' city iv Peking a fine cillybration is planned be th' mission'ries.

"Dey wrote a letter to de tailor, To cut out de Gin'ral's ruffles. Oh-e-oh! Oh-e-oh! "Dey cut de ruffles out o' iron! So they handcuff and chained him. Oh, my boys, I'm most done! "Dey went and called a troop of light horse To come and guard de Nigger Gin'ral! Oh-e-oh! Oh-e-oh! "To guard him all to de city of Richmond, To guard him up unto de justice. Oh, my boys, I'm most done! Oh-e-oh! Oh-e-oh!

"Boy, he think Ah ain't got no use foh boys," he chuckled. "Hee-ha ha! Ah fool 'em. Stew'd, he say, 'Frank, am you with us o' without us? He say, 'Am you gwine like one ol' lobscozzle idjut git cook's pay all yo' life? "'Well, Ah says, 'what pay you think Ah'm gwine fob to git? Cap'n's pay, maybe? 0' gin'ral's pay? Yass, sah. Ef Ah'm cook Ah'm gwine git cook's pay.