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But somehow there was an uneasy feeling on the island, that though the sultan and his people were friendly, some of the rajahs detested the English, as being likely to put a stop to their piratical practices, the destruction of Rajah Gantang's stockade, while it gave plenty of satisfaction in some parts, being looked upon with disfavour in others.

"There!" said Ali excitedly, "they are Rajah Gantang's prahus. Fire at them." "Not so fast, sir," said the lieutenant. "I must first be sure that they are enemies."

"He says there is plenty of water, for the river is narrow and very deep, all but in one place, about a mile from the stockade, and of that he is not sure, he will not pledge himself to its being sufficiently deep; but all Rajah Gantang's prahus have gone up and down in safety." "That will do," said the lieutenant.

He tried again, with no other result than the noise of the fall of the hammer; and then Dullah's, or Rajah Gantang's, voice was heard in a reproving tone as he bade his men be silent. Gray tried again, but for the third time the cartridges, soaked as they were by being under water so long, refused to go off.

He was quite right, though, about having been tricked, for one of Rajah Gantang's cleverest spies after hearing from his hiding-place the plans that had been made, assumed the part of Ali in disguise, and passed unchallenged by the sentries to go straight to the rajah and plan with him a way to divide the forces by sending the steamer upon a false scent.

"Are you going to fight?" exclaimed Bob Roberts, who looked flushed and excited. "Yes," said Ali, "with this;" and he tapped the rifle. "But against your own people?" "Rajah Gantang's pirates are not my own people," said Ali, contemptuously. "Besides, the English are my friends, and if we could I would have gone to help those ashore." "All right," said Bob, "then we will fight together.

The river had been scoured by the corvette's boats, and no trace of Rajah Gantang's prahus found; in fact, nothing had been heard of him or them for many days; and all being esteemed satisfactory and safe on that score, what remained to do was to settle who should stay and protect the residency and the corvette, and who should go.

"Look!" said Ali suddenly, and he laid his hand upon Bob's shoulder. "Which way?" said Bob quietly. "I can see nothing." "You will not see," said Ali in a low passionate voice. "You are so brave, but you are so foolish too. Why risk life when there is danger." "I don't," said Bob coolly. "You do; there is great danger now," said Ali. "Gantang's men are creeping through the reeds to spear us."