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He was middle-aged, coarse of feature, clad in the creased black which a certain type of artisan wears on Sunday. 'I'd like a word with you, John, he said, 'if your friend'll excuse. Hewett rose from the table, and they walked together to an unoccupied spot. 'Have you heard any talk about the Burial Club? inquired the man, in a low voice of suspicion, knitting his eyebrows. 'Heard anything? No.

That night, as Lauriston sat writing in his shabby little room, a knock came at his door the door opened, and Melky slid in, laying his finger to the side of his large nose in token of confidence. "Hope I ain't interrupting," said Melky. "I say, mister, I been thinking about that catalogue business. Now I come to sort of reflect on it, I think my friend'll go to ten pound.

But you're quite right; it wasn't worth two hundred golden sovereigns. Let them laugh! At any rate you and your flash friend'll be laughing on the wrong side of your mouths before the day's out. So that's all there is to it, and you'd better start screwing up your courage if you want to do me in!

"Yes, I did. When you told " Hiram bit his tongue. "The truth is, she's from Mendocino County, too, and we we that is, we found it out." Not the faintest sign of suspicion or surprise showed in Tweet's face. "Well, suit yourself," he said nonchalantly. "It's a little late, or I'd go this afternoon. But to-morrow I go. My friend'll dig up the price, but I hate to hit him up any more.

"May God help me to redeem my past," answered the other in a new voice. "You've got it sure?" Tim's voice was meditative. "God has spoken to me," was the simple answer. "I've got a friend'll be glad to hear that," he said; and once more, in imagination, he saw Laura Sloly standing at the door of her home, with a light in her eyes he had never seen before.

"I've been thinking that for some time, Barney," replied Martin; "but you have your compass, and we can surely make the coast by dead reckoning eh?" "True, lad, we can; but it'll cost us a dale o' tackin' to make up for lee-way. Ah, good luck to ye! here's a friend'll help us."

The possibility had grown to black certainty in his mind. He became suddenly furious. "Lord! I hope some kind friend'll lead me out an' knock me in the head, if ever I get locoed over any darned girl!" "Same here," agreed Rowdy, unmoved. "Then your days are sure numbered in words uh one syllable, old-timer," snapped Pink.

You see, I can choose my own time for resignin'; the Board itself fills up any vacancy that occurs between Elections: an' I can work the Board for you before Philp or any one else gets wind of it. That is, if I have your consent?" "It's uncommonly good of you," said Cai. "I'll think it over, an' take advice, maybe." "You know what advice your friend'll give you, anyway.

Did you have to fight for it? Say, your friend'll be mad at me putting her out of here, won't she? Well, blame it on the gelatin master. I never suggested it. Say, you got Henshaw going. He likes that blighted look of yours." He made no reply to this chatter. He must keep in the picture. He merely favoured her with a glance of fatigued indifference. The camera was focused. "All ready, you people.

"May God help me to redeem my past," answered the other in a new voice. "You've got it sure?" Tim's voice was meditative. "God has spoken to me," was the simple answer. "I've got a friend'll be glad to hear that," he said; and once more, in imagination, he saw Laura Sloly standing at the door of her home, with a light in her eyes he had never seen before.