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He did not say anything, but they understood it was not to be touched. "Thae's Freckles' flow'rs," said a tiny Scotsman, "but," he added cheerfully, "it's oor sweeties!" Freckles' face slowly flushed as he took Duncan's cake and started toward the swamp.

Those eyes, which brighten'd with maternal pride, As her sweet infants wanton'd by her side, 'Twas my sad fate to see for ever close On life, on love, the world, and all its woes; To watch the slow disease, with hopeless care, And veil in painful smiles my heart's despair; To see her droop, with restless languor weak, While fatal beauty mantled in her cheek, Like fresh flow'rs springing from some mouldering clay, Cherish'd by death, and blooming from decay.

Now I am well pardon me, lovely Creature, If I betray a Passion, I'm too young To've learnt the Art of hiding; I cannot hear you say that he was kind. Dia. Kind! yes, as Blasts to Flow'rs, or early Fruit; All gay I met him full of youthful Heat: But like a Damp, he dasht my kindled Flame, And all his Reason was he lov'd another, A Maid he call'd Celinda. Cel. Oh blessed Man! Dia. How, Sir? Cel.

The King of Rivers, solemn calm and slow, Flows tow'rd the Sea yet fierce is seen to flow, On each fan Bank, the verdant Lands are seen, In gayest Cloathing of perpetual Green On ev'ry Side, the Prospect brings to Sight The Fields, the Flow'rs, and ev'ry fresh Delight His lovely Banks, most beauteously are grac'd With Nature's sweet variety of Taste Herbs, Fruits and Grass, with intermingled Trees The Prospect lengthen, and the Joys increase The lofty Mountains rise to ev'ry View, Creation's Glory, and its Beauty too.

She flits among the flow'rs and sings Many a snare. Beware Of the hidden poisonous stings. Earth's pleasures are a golden cup Have a care! She bids you take one little sup Many a snare. Beware Of the hidden sting in the cup. Earth's riches have a charm most rare Have a care! She bids you seek a goodly share Many a snare. Beware She will sting with many a care.

He bent down to her, and she began to fasten the pink rose in place of the white one on his coat. She did not ask him, directly or indirectly, who had put the white one there for him, because she knew by the way it was pinned that he had done it himself. "Who is it that ev'ry morning brings me these lovely flow'rs?" she burlesqued, as he bent over her. "'Mr. Wimby," he returned.

"When I am dead, upon my mound Exotic flow'rs may first be found, And not until they've blown away Will other blossoms come to stay. A daisy growing overhead Brings gentle pleasure to the dead. "When I am dead, I'd love to see An amber thrush hop over me And bend his ear, as he would know What I am whispering down below. May many a song-bird find his bread Upon my grave when I am dead.

But sweeter, sweeter still, when the sun sinks to rest, And twilight comes on, with the fairies so gay Tripping through the forest-walk, where flow'rs, unprest, Bow not their tall heads beneath their frolic play.

"Dar ain' nuttin better ter jedge er gent'mun by den his mint patch," the old negro was muttering, "an' dis yer one's done w'ar out all dose no 'count flow'rs, des' like de quality done w'ar out de trash. Hi! Marse Nick, dat you?" he shook the proffered hand, his kindly black face wrinkling with hospitality.

Give me your consolation, noble friends; The queen of beauties sleeps within the tomb. A burning fire consumes my aching breast; I am undone. Alas! O cruel fate! My heart's with slim Hyzyya in the grave. Alas! we were so happy a short while Ago, just like the prairie flow'rs in spring; How sweet to us was life in those dear days!