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There's a curious thing about Badshah, too. Have you heard?" "No. What is it?" asked the Major. "Well, it's a rummy thing. He's usually awfully quiet and obedient. But sometimes he gets very restless, breaks loose, and goes off on his own into the jungle. After a week or two he comes back by himself, as quiet as a lamb. But when the fit's on him nothing will hold him.

"I merely asked whether you were n't going for a holiday this summer," Anthony repeated, between two outputs of smoke. "And you interrupt a heaven-sent musician, when you see the fit's upon him, merely to ask an irrelevant thing like that," Adrian reproved him. "I was holding an assize, a gaol-delivery. That phrase was on trial before me for its life.

So good a child as he is too: so meek and so tender, that if he but suspects a cross word, he is ready to jump out of himself, and falls a-crying and quaking, and won't be appeased anyhow, till the fit's over with him. Indeed, mistress, if you give him up in this point, I won't say what the consequences may be. "'But, nurse, said Lucilla, 'really Bernard does want to be kept a little in order.

'These will do, he said at last; 'I can't say I think much of your taste in slippers, but the fit's the thing. He slipped his feet into a pair of sock-like sambhur-skin foot coverings, found a long chair, and lay at length. 'They're my own pet pair, Torpenhow said. 'I was just going to put them on myself. 'All your reprehensible selfishness.

The consequence of this has been that I begin to measure the temerity of my having saddled you with a knowledge that you may find something of a burden. Now that the fit's over I can't imagine how I came to be moved so much beyond my wont. I had never before related, no matter in what expansion, the history of my little secret, and I shall never speak of the business again.

'And I repeat my question, said M'Brair: 'Are you fit fit for this great charge? fit to carry and save souls? 'Fit? Blethers! As fit's yoursel', cried Haddo. 'Are you so great a self-deceiver? said M'Brair. 'Wretched man, trampler upon God's covenants, crucifier of your Lord afresh. I will ding you to the earth with one word: How about the young woman, Janet M'Clour?

"Never mind! there is nothing like a friend's face in the hour of sorrow." "I wouldn't advise your honour," said the good dame. "It's an awful hour when the fit's on him; he knows not friend or foe, and scarcely knows me, your honour." "Never mind, I'll see him." Vivian entered the house; but who shall describe the scene of desolation!

If I stay longer, I shall, no doubt, feel unequal to going back at all. My industrious fit's very recent and good resolutions fail." "Pshaw!" said Sadie. "Try to be serious. I must see Helen to-morrow and can't take you. She may have a message for her husband." "Couldn't she write the message, if you went after I had gone?" "NO," said Sadie firmly. "She must send it now."

Thar's days she won't speak nor eat, but just goes off to the woods an' makes little trinkets out o' pine needles an' bark, and then I know the fit's on her. And proud! Thar's not a man hereabout she'd lift an eye at, and one feller that wouldn't take "no" got his head split open with an oar. Sometimes I've thought that ef she was married to a strong man strong AND kind, d'ye see?

"The fit's on him: the fit's workin' on him still! By my Honor and Sowl, we shall be accessiry to a desartion yet. Only, twenty-eight days, as you say, sorr, or fifty-six, but think o' the shame the black shame to him an' me!" I had never seen Mulvaney so excited.