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"You must know, Mabel," said he, "that the Sergeant and I are old friends, and have stood side by side or, if not actually side by side, I a little in advance, as became a scout, and your father with his own men, as better suited a soldier of the king on many a hard fi't and bloody day.

I have never slept more sweetly than when I have fi't the Mingos, though it is the law with me to fight always like a white man and never like an Indian. The Sarpent, here, has his fashions, and I have mine; and yet have we fi't side by side these many years; without either thinking a hard thought consarning the other's ways.

"That bump on the head is still affectin' you, I reckon. Four thousand shucks!" He laughed. "Well, I ain't seen it if that's any consolation to you. If you'd had it when you come here I'd sure seen it." "Who brought me here?" "Dale and his first deputy the guy you poked in the stummick, over in the Okar Hotel. They tell me you fi't like hell! What's Dale got ag'in' you?

"Chingachgook and I have consorted together since we were boys, and have fi't in company on the Horican, the Mohawk, the Ontario, and all the other bloody passes between the country of the Frenchers and our own; and did the foolish knave believe that I would stand by and see my best friend cut off in an ambushment?" "We have served the Sarpent as good a turn as he served us.

Many and many is the time that my head would have been stripped of hair, skin, and all, hadn't the Lord fi't of my side. I never go into a skrimmage, friend mariner, without thinking of this great ally, who can do more in battle than all the battalions of the 60th, were they brought into a single line."

"If you doubt your own judgment of yourself, Pathfinder, I beg you will not doubt mine. Am I not accustomed to judge men's character? and am I often deceived? Ask Major Duncan, sir, if you desire any assurances in this particular." "But, Sergeant, we have long been friends; have fi't side by side a dozen times, and have done each other many services.

"Ay, ay, this may do well enough for a scouter; but we seamen like our offing, and to go into action with nothing in our minds but the business before us plain broadside and broadside work, and no trees or rocks to thicken the water." "And no Lord too, I dare to say, if the truth were known. Take my word for it, Master Cap, that no battle is the worse fi't for having the Lord on your side.

"A soldier's calling is honorable, provided he has fi't only on the side of right," returned the Pathfinder; "and as the Frenchers are always wrong, and his sacred Majesty and these colonies are always right, I take it the Sergeant has a quiet conscience as well as a good character.