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Once pledg'd, he had held fast to his word. Nor would I, for his own Soul's sake, have let him go. There is none, none under the sun but me alone, was strong enough to have sav'd Richard. 'T is true, as men judge such things, his Conduct to me was but Gallant Pleasantry, such as Fine Gentlemen do show to Favour'd Ladies. And he did Spare my Pride.

I see thee yet, fair France thou favour'd land Of art and nature thou art still before me, Thy sons, to whom their labour is a sport, So well thy grateful soil returns its tribute, Thy sunburnt daughters, with their laughing eyes And glossy raven locks. But, favour'd France, Thou hast had many a tale of woe to tell In ancient times as now.

I desire not to be favour'd as a Kinsman, Sir, but as your humblest Servant. Sir Feeb. Why, thou'rt an honest Fellow, Francis, and thou'rt heartily welcome and I'll make thee fortunate. But come, Sir Cautious, let you and I take a turn i'th' Garden, and get a right understanding between your Nephew Mr. Bearjest, and my Daughter Dye. Sir Cau. Prudently thought on, Sir, I'll wait on you.

Thy grandsire's words favour'd of thrifty leekes, Or manly garlicke; but thy furnace reekes Hot steams of wine; and can a-loose descrie The drunken draughts of sweet autumnitie. The second is a short satire on erecting stately monuments to worthless men. The following advice is nobly moral, the subsequent sarcasm just and well expressed.

Perhaps, if the souls of the just Revisit these mansions of care, It may be my favourite trust To watch o'er the fate of the fair. Perhaps the soft thought of her breast, With rapture more favour'd to warm; Perhaps, if with sorrow oppress'd, Her sorrow with patience to arm.

Approach, approach, you sacred Queen of Night, and bring Philander veil'd from all eyes but mine; approach at a fond lover's call, behold how I lie panting with expectation, tir'd out with your tedious ceremony to the God of Day; be kind, oh lovely night, and let the deity descend to his beloved Thetis's arms, and I to my Philander's; the sun and I must snatch our joys in the same happy hours; favour'd by thee, oh sacred, silent Night!

He, with the counsel of wisdom, arose in the midst to address them: "Favour'd of Zens!" he began, "thou commandest me, noble Achilleus, Here to interpret the wrath of the King, Far-darting Apollo.

Yet shores there are, bless'd shores for us remain, And favour'd isles, with golden fruitage crown'd, Where tufted flow'rets paint the verdant plain, And every breeze shall medicine every wound." In the year 1755, Dr. Hayter, bishop of Norwich, preached a sermon before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, in which he bore his testimony against the continuance of this trade.

I'll rot in my chains first, before I'll part with a round ransom. 1st Turk. You have a fair Wife, and need not fear good usage, if she knows how to be kind. You apprehend me. Fran. Patience, good Lord. 1st Turk. Perhaps the Grand Seignior may like her, and to be favour'd by him in such a Glory Fran. As the Devil take me if I desire. 1st Turk.

As soon as I perceiv'd it, having curs'd the treachery of Tryphoena, and the ingratitude of Lycas, I began to make off, and fortune favour'd me: For a ship consecrated to the Goddess Isis, laden with rich spoils, had the day before run upon the rocks.