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I cried out; "I gave him a shilling at Westminster stairs to row me to the Tower wharf." "Fare's only fourpence. Shame! shame!" cried one part of the people in the small craft. "He's a Bilk," yelled another part of 'em. "Duck him, Goodman Crabs, duck him." "Stop," cries the coxswain of the wherry, standing up. "It is a shame. The poor fellow shan't be put upon.

Heman descended in the elevator, walked steadily through the crowded lobby and out to the curb where his cab was waiting. The driver noticed nothing strange in his fare's appearance. He noticed nothing strange when the Atkins residence was reached and its tenant mounted the stone steps and opened the door with his latchkey.

There is but little to offer you in the way of nourishment, and there are none of the comforts of a palace. Yet princesses can no more be choosers than beggars when the fare's in one pot. Come, your highness, let me conduct you to the guest chamber of the Inn of the Hawk and Raven." Beverly took his hand and stepped to the ground, looking about in wonder and perplexity.

So Kew sent you as an antidote? I suppose he didn't know you were one of my fares?" "A fare," said Mr. Russell sententiously, "may, I suppose, be a wonderful revelation, because you only see your fare's eyes for a second, and the things you may see have no limit, and you never know the silly little truth about him.

It was a wireless, handed in on board the White Star liner Olympic, and it ran as follows: Remember. Death to the Family. Ginger sat down heavily on the bed. The driver of the taxi-cab which at twenty-five minutes past seven drew up at the dingy door of Bleke's Coffee House in the Strand was rather struck by his fare's manner and appearance.

Any acceptance of the young reporter's generous offer was interrupted by a sudden noise in the usually quiet street. "I tell you the fare's a dollar!" the boys heard an angry voice declaim. "'Tain't nothing of the kind or I'm a lubber fifty cents is all I'll pay. I'll be horn-swoggled if you get a cent more, yer deep-sea pirate," was the indignant phrased reply.

'Fair weather to you an' your wife, sir, he said; an' Mr. Curtis that's my fare's name, I asked him said something about havin' finished one long voyage an' beginnin' another. Then the fun began. I was just startin' the machine when a private auto dashes up, an' out jumps a foreign-lookin' swell.

Suddenly the rickety conveyance comes to a full stop, and a kicking match begins, the plunging ponies refusing to budge an inch. The incapable Jehu implores his fare's consent to an immediate return, but meets with an inexorable refusal, the halting Malay sentences eked out with an unmistakable pantomime of threats and warnings.

'Oh! that will do, says Dick; and away he goes among the passengers. When they were collecting the fares Dick holds out his penny, which was all the 'tin' he had in the world. 'The fare's a shilling, said the captain. 'Yes, it may be, said Dick, 'but I asked you the fare for lambs. My name is Lamb; I'm an innocent creature, and the long and the short of it is I've only a penny.

They replied with politeness that, judging from the number of applications received, they must be the million in search of domestics. Returning home from the Bureau, I found Elizabeth studying a time-table. 'I see it's a 'undred and eighty-three miles to Manchester, she commented, 'an' the fare's 15s. 5 1/2d.