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"Nay, dear one," said Felice, "my heart misgives me I was wrong to peril your life so long for fame's sake and my pride in you. A great love-longing I have borne to have you home beside me. But now you shall go no more forth.

Is it superior organization and arrangement of this fragile material, "fame's great antiseptic, style"? Or is it by virtue of some secret passionate quality imparted to words by the poet, so that the apparently familiar syllables take on a life and significance which is really not their own, but his?

Let us be gentle with the denizens of Fame's proud temple, no matter how they came there. You remember, I suppose, Swift's couplet, "Fame has but two gates, a white and a black one; The worst they can say is I got in at the back one." "I have nothing," wrote Pope to his friend Cromwell, "to say to you in this latter; but I was resolved to write to tell you so.

One of our oldest and greatest poets has furnished me with a line that well expresses that verdict. Are not William Lloyd Garrison and his fellow-labourers in that world's work are they not 'On Fame's eternal bead-roll worthy to be filed?

He was of prodigious wealth: old Mr. Bicksit, who dared not, for his fame's sake, fail to have seen all things, had visited Chateaurien under the present Duke's father, and descanted to the curious upon its grandeurs. The young noble had one fault, he was so poor a gambler. He cared nothing for the hazards of a die or the turn of a card.

"It seems that this is true," said Eric. "Now all this thou doest for a woman who is the betrothed of another man." "All this I do for fame's sake, Swanhild. Moreover, Gudruda is betrothed to none." "Before another Yule-feast is spread, Gudruda shall be the wife of Ospakar." "That is yet to be seen, Swanhild."

Lo, praise has ta'en upon itself to bring him back to life; Now that his body's hid, his fame's shown forth and magnified.

On Fame's eternal camping ground Their silent tents are spread And glory guards with solemn sound The Bivouac of the Dead." "Now give me yo' will." Uncle Davy sat up solemnly, keenly, expectantly. Tilly and Aunt Sally sat subdued and sad, with that air of solemn importance and respect which might be expected of a dutiful daughter and bereaved widow on such an occasion.

Vain worldly fame's a painted flow'r Have a care! She dwells in an enchanted bow'r Many a snare. Beware She'll chide you in an evil hour. The world is but an empty show Have a care! Of true joys a dangerous foe Many a snare. Beware Her greatest gain's oft deepest woe. By the term affinity I mean that enamored feeling which arises in the hearts of those of opposite sex for each other.

The Commendation. Musa! canas nostrorum in testimonium Amorum, Et Gargantueas perpetuato faces, Utque homini tali resultet nobilis Eccho: Quicquid Fama canit, Pantagruelis erit. The Argument. Here I intend mysteriously to sing With a pen pluck'd from Fame's own wing, Of Gargantua that learn'd breech-wiping king. Decade the First. Help me, propitious stars; a mighty blaze Benumbs me!