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"So much for the word of a diplomat." Retief looked at the short-barreled needler in Zorn's hand. "I see you hedge your bets, Zorn," he said. "We'll wait here," Zorn said, "until the excitement's over inside. I wouldn't want to attract any attention right now." "Your politics are still lousy, Zorn. The picture hasn't changed. Your coup hasn't got a chance." "Skip it.

Will you take this girl in hide her awhile till the excitement's over among the outlaws?" "I shore will," replied the Texan. "Thanks. I'll remember you I'll square it." "What 're you goin' to do?" "I'll rest a bit then go back to the brakes." "Young man, you ain't in any shape to travel. See here any rustlers on your trail?" "I think we gave Bland's gang the slip." "Good. I'll tell you what.

"You might use just a tiny bit more colour, dearie I'm afraid the excitement's made you a little pale. And you MUST brighten up! There's sort of a look in your eyes as if you'd got in a trance and couldn't get out. You've had it all day. I must run: your father wants me to help him with his studs.

"Now the excitement's all over and done with," he drawled in his half-apologetic tones, "it wouldn't be a bad idea for you boys to get to work and throw the water back where it belongs. I dunno but what the garden's spoiled already; but the small fruit can be saved." "Clark and I was going up to the Injun camp," spoke up Gene. "We wanted to see "

After dinner Emily retired to her room for a nap. She did so under protest, declaring that she was not tired, but Thankful insisted. "If you ain't tired now you will be when the excitement's over," she said. "My conscience is plaguin' me enough about fetchin' you on this cruise, as it is. Just take it as easy as you can, Emily. Lie down and rest, and please me." So Emily obeyed orders and Mrs.

"Yas, 'r; a circus band," vouchsafed the guide, a sudden eagerness in his voice. "Van Slye's Great and Only Mammoth Shows " "A circus?" interrupted one of the men gruffly. "Then the whole town is full of strangers. That's bad for us, Blake." "I don't see why. He's more than likely to be where the excitement's highest, ain't he? He's not too old for that.

I thought it was kinda funny he'd let me waste all this time, but I didn't have no idea at all he'd got me out of the way a-purpose to put across that dirty deal. Why, the rotten son-of-a " "Easy, kid," cautioned Buck, glancing at the open door of the store. "You'll have Pop comin' out to see what all the excitement's about, and that isn't our game yet."

"I should like a porterhouse with mushrooms," he announced promptly. "You can't have it. You know what the doctor said." Very peremptorily she smiled this at him. "He's an old granny, Miss Messiter." "You may have an egg on toast." "Make it two," he pleaded. "Excitement's just like caviar to the appetite, and seeing y'u safe " "Very well two," she conceded.

"I wonder if it will be? if there will be any truth in it?" "Tommy-rot!" Freddy said. "But the excitement's spread the men are working like mad never did so much good work before." "May I talk to Abdul? I'd love to have my future told!" "I'd rather you didn't at least, I would rather the other workmen didn't know he had spoken to you. I don't like them to imagine that we believe in such things."

"Well, perhaps I have," admitted the diamond merchant. "You can go, youngster, but next time, don't run if you're not guilty." "I thought there was a fire," repeated the lad, as he hurriedly slipped through the crowd in the store, and disappeared down the dark street. "Well, I guess the excitement's all over, and, anyhow, you weren't robbed, Track," said a stout man, as he left the store.