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General Governor and Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia or Acadie, and signed by our Deputies, having been communicated to us by Edward How Esq'r, one of His Majesty's Council for said Province, and faithfully interpreted to us by Madame De Bellisle Inhabitant of this River nominated by us for that purpose. We the Chiefs and Captains of the River St.

Jacob Barker, Esq'r., was chosen chairman and a committee, consisting of Jacob Barker, Israel Perley, Phineas Nevers, Daniel Palmer, Moses Pickard, Edward Coy, Thomas Hartt, Israel Kinny, Asa Kimble, Asa Perley, Oliver Perley and Hugh Quinton, was appointed to prepare the resolutions which were subsequently adopted by the meeting. One of the resolutions reads:

Among the more expensive presents were "1 large Silver plated Cross with the figure of our Saviour on it, £3 10 0," and "1 small Gold plated Cross with the figure of our Saviour on it. £2 6 8." The heading of the account reads: "The Hon'ble Michael Francklin Esq'r., Superintendent of Indians, to Wm.

John river, where the treaty was duly ratified, and thirteen chiefs signed the following declaration: "The Articles of Peace concluded at Chebuckto the Fifteenth of August, 1749, with His Excellency Edward Cornwallis Esq'r, Capt.

Simonds, Esq'r. Philip John Livingston, who has been mentioned as a promoter of the settlement of the townships, was a member of a distinguished and wealthy New York family. His mother was Catherine de Peyster and his wife a daughter of Samuel Bayard. His brother, John W. Livingston, and his wife's brother, Abraham de Peyster, were both captains in Col.

Ordered that Jo'a. Tyng Esq'r: Thom's: Howe Esq'r: & M'r: John Sternes be a Comittee to view the Land mentioned in the Petition, & Represent the Lines, or Bounds of the severall adjacent Towns bounding on the s'd. Lands and to have Speciall Regard to the Land granted to the Indians, & to make report of the quantity, & circumstances thereof. Sent up for Concurrence.

Franklin's memorandum of expenses incurred in negotiating the Indian treaty the following item appears: "To cash pd. to James White, Esq'r, for services among and with the Indians from the 2d. April, 1778, to the 20th October inclusive, part of which time he ran great risques both of his life & being carried off Prisoner, £50.10.0. The Indians of the River St.

To his Excellency Joseph Dudley Esq'r Captain Gen'll & Governour in Chief in & over her Majesties Province of the Massachusets Bay &c: togeither with the honourable Council, & Representatives in Great and Gen'll Court Assembled at Cambridge Octobe'r 14'th. 1702. The Petition of the Inhabitants of Stow humbly sheweth.