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"You see, there has been a rush of work at Scotland Yard lately. There is that big burglary at Lord Emden's, and the case of the woman whose body was found in the river lock at Peyton, and half a dozen other cases, all important in their way. There has been quite an epidemic of crime lately, as you know, Mr. Crewe. I don't seem to get a minute to myself these times."

Grimm was to come, and he's at Memmert. 'Here's the map... Emden and Norddeich are the only coast stations till you get to Wilhelmshaven no, to Carolinensiel; but those are a long way east. 'And Emden's a long way south. Say Norddeich then; but according to this there's no train there after 6.15 p.m.; that's hardly "night". When's high tide on the 25th?

From the splash of the shells it looked as though the enemy had 15-centimeter guns, bigger, therefore, than the Emden's. He fired rapidly but poorly. It was the Australian cruiser Sydney." According to the account of the Englishmen who saw the first part of the engagement from the shore, the Emden was cut up rapidly. Her forward smokestack lay across the deck, and was already burning fiercely aft.

But Captain Glossop, of the Sydney, had no mind to let his prey escape. The Sydney dashed in pursuit of the enemy at full speed, and a fierce running battle ensued. The Emden's stern guns continued to play upon the Sydney as she made a wild dash for the distant shore.

That meant 'Weigh anchor. We ran like mad to our boat, but already the Emden's pennant was up, the battle flag was raised, and they began to fire from the starboard." "The enemy," explained Captain Mücke, "was concealed by the island and therefore not to be seen, but I saw the shells strike the water.

When he discovered the truth, Von Müller closed with the Frenchman, who came to the rescue of the Glenturret, the powder ship. Destroyer and cruiser closed for a fight, the former trying to get close enough to make work with torpedoes possible, but the long range of the Emden's guns prevented this, and the Mosquet was badly damaged by having her engine room hit.

The range finders on the Emden had evidently not calculated properly. The water leaped into white sprays ahead of the Sydney, indicating that the Emden's first fire had been wasted. But the next attempt o the Emden met with better success. A solid shot struck the Sydney, squarely on the bow.

The Emden's largest guns, according to the best figures obtainable, are only 4-inch, and of these she has ten. Her speed of 24.5 knots is her greatest asset, but the Sylph has the heels of her. She has been able to run down merchant ships with ease and then escape from larger but slower vessels that pursued her.

Against the Emden's ten 4.1-inch guns, the Sydney had eight 6-inch guns, and she was at least 4 knots faster. Outranged and outdone in speed, the German ship was soon driven ashore in a sinking condition, with a funnel down and steering gear disabled. During her two months' activity thus ended, the Emden had made 21 captures, destroying ships and cargoes to the value of over $10,000,000.

Just as we were about to destroy the apparatus it reported, 'Careful; Emden near. The work of destruction went smoothly. The wireless operators said: 'Thank God. It's been like being under arrest day and night lately. Presently the Emden signaled us, 'Hurry up. I packed up, but simultaneously the Emden's siren wailed. I hurried to the bridge and saw the flag 'Anna' go up.