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"Wa'al," he went on after a little pause, "I was ready to sink into the ground with shyniss at fust, but that wore off some after a little, an' we two seen the hull show, I tell ye. We walked 'round the cages, an' we fed the el'phant that is, he bought the stuff an' I fed him. I 'member he, he, he!

"Don't you go to grabbing every stranger who comes around the house or the works for a spy, and make me trouble. Remember now." Koku nodded gravely and went away. When he met Rad suddenly in the hall with Mr. Swift's breakfast tray, the giant said "boo!" and almost cost the old colored man the loss of the tray. "Dat big el'phant ought to be livin' in a barn," declared Rad.

"Dat crazy ol' cannibal!" spat out Rad viciously. "I'll fix him yet. I'll pizen his rations, dat's what I'll do." "You wouldn't be so bad as that, Rad!" "Well, mebbe not," said the colored man, crawling in through the bathroom window. "It would take too much pizen, anyway, to kill that giant. Take as much as dey has to give an el'phant to kill it.

Wa'al, putty soon the percession hove in sight, an' the' was a reg'lar stampede among the boys, an' when it got by, I run an' ketched up with it agin, an' walked alongside the el'phant, tin pail an' all, till they fetched up inside the tent.

David took one look at the sugar cooky animals flying over his head. "Oh, Joe, and they've got currant eyes!" he screamed, and clapped his hands. "See, there's a el'phant! Oh, and a goose, and a monkey!" with a dive at the last. "That isn't a monkey!" retorted Joel, with a pause in the work of emptying the bag to investigate the animal in David's hand, "that's a wild-cat."

Wa'al, the day after we got there I says to her while we was havin' breakfust it was picked-up el'phant on toast, near 's I c'n remember, wa'n't it, Polly?" "That's as near the truth as most o' the rest on't so fur," said Polly with a sniff. "Wa'al, I says to her," he proceeded, untouched by her scorn, "'How'd you like to go t' the theater?

Hullo, Ame!" he said when the gentleman in question came back after ministering to his guest, "got the Prince o' Wales fixed up all right? Did ye cut that pickled el'phant that come last week?"

The' was more or less moon, an' I see the el'phant, an' the big wagins the drivers kind o' noddin' over the dashboards an' the chariots with canvas covers I don't know how many of 'em an' the cages of the tigers an' lions, an' all. Wa'al, I got up the next mornin' at sun-up an' done my chores; an' after breakfust I set off fer the ten-acre lot where I was mendin' fence.

"A gemmen in de circus done tole me dis mawnin' dat ef I carry water fo' de el'phants, he'll let me in de circus fo' nuffin', an' I make a 'greement wid him. Mars John, did yo' ebber seed an' el'phant drink?" he asked, rolling his eyes. John shook his head. "Well, sah, he jes' put dat trunk a'his'n into de pail, jes' once an swish water gone." Douglas laughed; and Mandy muttered, sullenly.

"Huh!" grunted Amos, whose sensibilities had been wounded by the events of the evening, "I didn't cut no el'phant ner no cow, ner rob no hen roost neither, but I guess he won't starve 'fore mornin'," and with that he proceeded to fill up the stove and shut the dampers. "That means 'git, I reckon," remarked Bill as he watched the operation. "Wa'al," said Mr.