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Drusilla said it looked more like a barn than a house, but Buster John said it didn't make any difference what it looked like so long as they could rest there and get something to eat, for they had had no dinner. "I hope dey got sho' 'nuff vittles pot-licker an' dumplin's, an' sump'in you kin fill up wid," said Drusilla heartily. Mr.

Now wash your face, dearie, an' run back to your place so you can come home early, for we're goin' to have the old hen with dumplin's for supper to celebrate." That was one charming thing about that household: they celebrated every blessed little trifle that came into their lives, so that living with them was like a procession of beautiful thanksgivings.

Cap'n Am'zon gits his pluck an' darin' from Cap'n Josh. "Well, mother knowed he must be out o' sight of Fort Adams and the Dumplin's when the storm burst, and that he'd take the inside passage, the wind bein' what it was. She watched from Rocky Head and she seen what she knowed to be the Bravo heave in sight.

And it's deservin' of it he is for no man on the docks works harder than my big Dan." Her eyes shone like two stars. "Well, ye'll want to be a-eatin' the dumplin's so I'll go along. Good-night, Mrs. Lynch." "God love you, Mister Torrence," whispered Moira, too overcome to manage her voice. Closing the door behind her unexpected visitor she turned and caught the wondering Beryl into her arms.

Three times a week, from the close of school until nine o'clock, he worked in the store, snatching a dinner of bananas, or bread and cheese, between customers. Because "Mom" had whispered that there were to be "dumplin's" this night and that she would keep some warm for him, and because the wind whipped chillingly through his thin clothing, he broke into a run.

I thought at first as he used to call 'Annie' in his sleep the nights after we have dumplin's, but it ain't 'Annie' he says; it's 'Aunty, an' heaven knows a aunt never broke no man's heart yet." Susan rose to go home. "I'm glad the Fourth's over, anyway," she said as she took up her parasol and mitts.

There's a call to dinner just then, though, and we all gathers round the stew. Anyway, it was meant for a lamb stew. The potatoes was some hard, the gravy was so thin you'd thought it had been put in from the tea kettle as an afterthought, and the dumplin's hadn't the puffin' out charm worked on 'em for a cent.

"W'en dinner-time come, en Hannibal wuz help'n' de cook kyar de dinner f'm de kitchen inter de big house, en wuz gittin' close ter de do' whar he had ter go in, his feet sta'ted ter bu'n en his head begun ter swim, en he let de big dish er chicken en dumplin's fall right down in de dirt, in de middle er de ya'd, en de w'ite folks had ter make dey dinner dat day off'n col' ham en sweet'n' 'taters.

"I don't want to hurry you, Mas' Gammon," she said; "Lord knows, I like to see you and everybody eat his full and be thankful; but, all about my Dahly waitin', I feel pricked wi' a pin all over, I do; and there's my blessed in London," she answered, "and we knowin' nothin' of her, and one close by to tell me! I never did feel what slow things dumplin's was, afore now!"

"That she can," cried the mother, going to her "mixin'." "And what a gay supper it will be with the new dolly and the pretty beads and the dumplin's. Oh, Himself a foreman!" Promptly at nine o'clock, young Dale Lynch turned the key in the door of "Tony Sebastino, Groceries" and started, whistling, homeward.