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She started, as usual, about daybreak, over to her cousin, Molly Dugan's, fer a bucket o' fresh milk, an' we never missed 'er until it was time she was back, an' then we went all the way to Dugan's before we found out she hadn't been thar at all. Then her ma tuck up a quar notion, an' helt to it like a leech fer a long time.

But when the Philistine would disport himself, the grimness of Melpomene, herself, attends upon his capers. Therefore, Danny set his jaw hard at Easter, and took his pleasure sadly. The family entrance of Dugan's cafe was feasible; so Danny yielded to the vernal season as far as a glass of bock.

I heard some one groaning in the cabin next to mine." She caught sight of Dugan's bandaged head and cried out: "What's the matter? Has something happened?" "Don't be frightened, Miss Berry." "What are these men doing with pistols? Where does that blood come from?" Evelyn came forward and took her aunt in her arms. "Dearie, we can trust Captain Blythe and Mr. Sedgwick.

Minturn's very often, and whenever Nannie is sent to the kitchen on any mission there's a paper of candy for her, or a kind pleasant word, or a fond look, and she begins to think Mike a very nice sort of lad; when Pat finds how things are going, "he doesn't think he would put himself in Mike Dugan's way if he were Nannie!

Then, almost on the men's heels, he had seen Bruce and Wolf canter across the same road; headed for the forest. And Dugan's correctly stolid face rippled into a pleased smile. Quickening his pace, he hurried on to the gateway and down the drive. But, as he passed the house on his way to the garage where stood the other and larger car, he paused.

Alderman Toole led the way to them with pride, and Mayor Dugan's creased brow almost uncreased as he bent down and peered between the bars of the crates. They were fine goats. Perhaps they looked somewhat more dejected than a goat usually looks more dirty and down at the heels than a goat often looks but they were undoubtedly goats.

"That's all right," grumbled Frenchy, who had just lost a nibbler, "but a two-pound one will satisfy me. What would we do with a sixty-four-pound bass?" "Keep it alive and teach it to draw a little red wagon," chuckled Ikey. "Oi, oi! That would be fine!" "It would be as big as Dugan's goat. Don't know why it shouldn't be tackled up and made use of," Whistler agreed, dryly.

All day and all night the big ferryboat plied between Benicia and Port Costa, transferring rolling stock. While the trains were being made up on the Port Costa side passengers in need of liquid sustenance paid visits to the saloons. They got exactly what the transient may expect in any country. Henry Ashbaugh sat at a table in Martin Dugan's place and eyed the bartender truculently.

During the next three days she dressed the wounds of them Scow-weegians and nursed them as tender as a mother. The wind hadn't died away till along came the "Flying Dutchman" from Dugan's, twenty miles up, floatin' on the skirts of the blizzard. "Hello, fellers. Howdy, Annie. What's the matter here?" says he.

"We had a woman at Dugan's too purty as a picture; different from the Nome bunch real sort of a lady." "Who is she?" says I, "an' what's she doin' out here on the trail?" "Dunno, but she's all right; come clean from Dawson with a dog team; says she's looking for her mother." I heard a pan clatter on the floor where Annie was washing dishes, and her face went a sickly grey.