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He presented it to her with the words, but Doris backed away half-laughing. "No, really, Jeff! I'll go and have a hot bath. That will do quite as well." "You must drink this first," said Jeff. There was a dogged note in his voice, and at sound of it Doris's brows went up, and her smile passed. "I mean it," said Jeff, setting cup and saucer on the table before her.

The bald, naked statement drove all power to act for the moment from him. Close upon that shock, which he smilingly covered, by explaining on very commonplace grounds, came Doris's letter. The purest elements and the most brutal in many natures lie close. They did in Thornton.

And perhaps after all it's a mare's nest, and the young man doesn't mean to marry her at all!" The girl's anxious eyes scanned Doris's unyielding countenance; then with a sigh she gave up her attempt, and said "Good-bye." Doris went with her to the door. "We shall meet to-morrow, shan't we?" she said, feeling a vague compunction. "And I suppose this woman will be there again.

And then he saw, as in a vision, the peaceful years on ahead. He would hold Doris's hand down the westering way. Hold it close and warm; never looking for more than the blessed companionship. And his sister, happy and content, would share the way with them and Nancy's children would they be Clive's also? would gladden all their hearts.

Bring him out into that secluded garden of yours " "The first thing he will suggest," and Doris's voice waxed unconsciously bitter. "He knows that dad will be busy with the mails for an hour after tea." "Good!" "I think it bad, most disagreeable." "You won't find the position so awkward if you are playing a part. And that is what I want a bit of clever acting.

Of course it was an expensive and daring conception, but it was carried out by an inspired young architect, and it was Meredith who had posed for the figures in the fountain. When Doris returned to New York with her children this room became the soul of the house. The year after Doris's adoption of the children Sister Angela died suddenly. "She simply fell asleep," Sister Constance wrote.

He threw back his Jovian head, with a look at his wife, half combative, half merry. Doris's forehead puckered a little. "Well, thank Heaven that it has turned out well!" she said, with a deep breath. "Where we should have been if it hadn't I'm sure I don't know! And, as it is By the way, Arthur, have you got that packet ready for New York?" Her tone was quick and anxious.

In his humble way this black boy was Doris's friend. He was doing his small part now to help her, if, as he evidently suspected, there was something sinister in her departure. Entering the familiar studio, Laurie looked around it with a pang. Unlike the quarters of Shaw, it remained unchanged.

Doris, small and slight, in a blue cotton coat and skirt, dusty from long travelling, and a childish garden hat, came hesitatingly over the grass, with colour which came and went. "How do you do, Mrs. Meadows! This is indeed an unexpected pleasure! I must quarrel with your husband for not giving us warning." Doris's complexion had settled into a bright pink as she shook hands with Lady Dunstable.

He found us in the triclinium, Nebris lying on the sofa with me, and playing a dismal tune on her flageolet, Doris on the other sofa laughing at us. He lay down by Doris, spilled the gold on the inlaid dining table, divided it into four equal portions, pouched one, made me pouch another, and piled one in Doris's lap, while I similarly piled the other in Nebris's lap.