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It was then with considerable agitation and a palpitating heart, that on the day following that of Donnel's visit to her father's she approached the Grey Stone, where, in the words of the prophet, she should meet "the young man who was to bring her love, wealth, and happiness, and all that a woman can wish to have with a man."

"Bring me to the kitchen," said she, "I'm afraid; and see this blood, mother." Precisely as she spoke, a few drops of blood fell from her nose, which, of course, accounted for its appearance on Donnel's face, and probably for her terror also at his repulsive aspect.

"Charley, they say America's a fine place; talkin' about money wid a little money there, they say a man could do wondhers." "Who says that?" "Why Donnel Dhu, for one; an' he knows, for he was there." "I b'lieve that Donnel was many a place; over half the world, if all's thrue." "Augh! the same Donnel's a quare fellow a deep chap a cute follow; but, I know more about him than you think ay, do I."

Of coorse I'll attend you to-night, and show you the devil's nest in which Sol Donnel and his blessed babe of a niece, by name Caterine Collins, live." Greatrakes took down the name of Caterine Collins, and after having arranged the hour at which Barney was to conduct him to Sol Donnel's hut, they separated.

There remained, however, just enough of suspicion to torment her own mind, without enabling her to arrive at any satisfactory conclusion as to Donnel's positive guilt, arising from the mysterious incidents in question.

The words, however, could not be misunderstood; the first person she met, on the right hand side of the way, after passing the Grey Stone, was to be the individual; and when we consider her implicit belief in Donnel's prophecy, contrasted with her own impressions and the state of mind in which she approached the place, we may form a tolerably accurate notion of what she must have experienced.

"But wait," he proceeded; "wait, I say, wait, I have it." And as he said so he went at the top of his speed down the street, and disappeared in Sol Donnel's cabin. "By this and by that," said one of them, "Rtn'tin' Rody will take spunk out of him, if it's in him." "I think he had better have notin' to do wid him," said an old woman, "for fraid he'd rise the devil Lord guard us!

Nelly M'Gowan, as she was called, had strongly cautioned her against both Donnel and Sarah, but then Nelly herself was completely in the dark as to the character of the injury against which she warned her, so that her friendly precautions were founded more upon the general and unscrupulous profligacy of Donnel's principles, and his daughter's violence, than upon any particular knowledge she possessed of her intentions towards her.