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Ginevra was as dumb as Gibbie, and Gibbie was sadder than he had ever been in his life not only for Donal's sake, but because, in his inexperienced heart, he feared that Ginevra would not listen to Donal because she could not because she had already promised herself to Fergus Duff; and with all his love to his kind, he could not think it well that Fergus should be made happy at such a price.

But the next second she burst out crying and hurriedly took out her handkerchief and hid her face as she passed. One of the boys lying on the blood-wet mire in Flanders, was Donal's bitter thought, but he had had his kind hours to recall at the last moment and even now she had them too.

As often as a song came fluttering its wings at his casement, the next thought was Ginevra and there would be something to give her! I wonder how many loves of the poets have received their offerings in correspondent fervour. I doubt if Ginevra, though she read them with marvel, was capable of appreciating the worth of Donal's.

Ginevra welcomed Joseph, but took the first opportunity of telling Angus that for her father's sake Sir Gilbert allowed him to remain, but on the first act of violence he should at once be dismissed, and probably prosecuted as well. Donal's eldest brother was made bailiff.

But it will not be as bad as it seems. You need not even endure the ignominy of being known as the Marchioness of Coombe. But when I am dead Donal's son will be my successor. It will not be held against him that I married his beautiful young mother and chose to keep the matter a secret. I have long been known as a peculiar person given to arranging my affairs according to my own liking.

You watched for years over an ignorant child who loathed you. It was not that a child's hatred is of importance but if I had died and never asked you to forgive me, how could I have looked into Donal's eyes? I want to go down on my knees to you!" He rose from his chair, and took in his own the unsteady hand holding the embroidery.

This was as far from Donal's thought, however, as from that of Fergus; the condescension, therefore, of the latter did not impair the gratitude for which the former had such large reason; and Donal looked up to Fergus as to one of the lords of the world.

By Donal's words set thinking of the matter, however, she now pondered the question day after day, how she might teach him to read; and at last the idea dawned upon her to substitute writing for speech.

You are not ashamed, but if you cannot prove legal marriage Donal's son will know bitter humiliation; he will be robbed of all he should possess his life will be ruined. Do you understand?" "Yes," she answered without moving her eyes from his face.

Andrew puffed a while at his pipe in silence. "So Donal's awa'" he said at length, guessing partly the reason of the weary look in his friend's face. "Yes, oh, yes," Duncan's voice was like a sigh "he would be going back to-day." "Aye, it's jist as weel. He'll come to nae mair harm in the city than he would in yon gabblin' crew o' young folk in the Glen.