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It certainly was not going back. "We have got through ploughing-time, and now comes seed-time, and then harvest," said Barbara. "We shall raise, upon a bit of renovated earth, the first millennial specimen, see if we don't! of what was supposed to be an extinct flora, the Domestica antediluviana." Arctura Fish came to us.

This is the complete expression of itself on that subject. It is the sum total of its knowledge of zoology at that particular moment; and a long process of development must follow before it will refer to the same animal as a "Felis Domestica." In a similar way musical expression keeps step with musical ideas. This musical monosyllable is ample to satisfy his artistic craving.

"Ah!" he said tolerantly, "the fierce rush of New York life! How it wipes from the retina to-day the image impressed on it but yesterday. Is it not so, Comrade Jarvis?" The cat-expert concentrated himself on his patient's paws without replying. "A fine animal," said Smith, adjusting his monocle. "To what particular family of the Felis Domestica does that belong?

Upon the whole, these works make one see that, in spite of their apparent audacity, Strauss and Mahler are beginning to make a surreptitious retreat from their early standpoint, and are abandoning the symphony with a programme. Strauss's last work will lose nothing by calling itself quite simply Sinfonia Domestica, without adding any further information.

The House Spider, or Tegenaria domestica, prevents her web, spun in a corner of the wall, from losing its shape at the least breath of air, by loading it with crumbling plaster and allowing tiny fragments of mortar to accumulate. Are we face to face with a similar process? Let us try experiment, which is preferable to any amount of conjecture.

The common House fly, Musca domestica, scarcely needs an introduction to any one of our readers, and its countenance is so well known that we need not present a portrait here. But a study of the proboscis of the fly reveals a wonderful adaptability of the mouth-parts of this insect to their uses. We have already noticed the most perfect condition of these parts as seen in the horse fly.

'Did you get the Sinfonia Domestica, Ol? Mr Brindley inquired. 'Didn't I say as I should get it, Bob? 'You SAID you would. 'Well, I've got it. 'In Manchester? 'Of course. Mr Brindley's face shone with desire and Mr Oliver Colclough's face shone with triumph. 'Where is it? 'In the hall. 'My hall? 'Aye! 'We'll play it, Ol. 'No, really, Bob! I can't stop now. I promised the wife

"'I am not sure, I said, politely, 'that I recall that particular discussion. May I ask what was the question brought up? "'The Felis domestica question. "'Ah, that must indeed be interesting! And er what may be the Felis do do "'Domestica not dodo. Felis domestica, the common or garden cat. "'Indeed, I murmured. "'You are not listening, he said. "I only half heard him.

Mr Colclough, throwing the score of the Sinfonia Domestica into the tonneau of the immense car, put on a pair of gloves and began to circulate round the machine, tapping here, screwing there, as chauffeurs will. Then he bent down in front to start the engine. 'By the way, Ol, Mr Brindley shouted from the doorway, 'it seems Simon Fuge is dead.

A grand piano, covered with music, stood in a corner, and behind was a cabinet full of bound music. Mr Brindley, seated on one corner of the bench in front of the piano, cut the leaves of the Sinfonia Domestica. 'It's the devil! he observed. 'Aye, lad! agreed Mr Colclough, standing over him. 'It's difficult. 'Come on, said Mr. Brindley, when he had finished cutting.