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I am not going to try any longer to worm out of my virtues or to keep up an appearance of having as low motives as other people are trying to make me believe they have. They have lied long enough. I have lied long enough. My motives are really rather high and I am going to admit it. Nine times out of ten when they have not worked, it has been my fault. Sometimes it is John Doe's fault.

In the fall of the year, therefore, if you select a spot near the foot of a mountain where the grass is tall and free from bushes, and, between sundown and dark, conceal yourself in it and sound your call, you are very apt to get a choice between four or five good fat doe's." Well, I was determined to get a deer; so I borrowed the 'call, and started out.

Not that she doe's not make all kinds, carriers, water-bottles, and cradles, these are kitchen ware, but her works of art are all of the same piece. Seyavi made flaring, flat-bottomed bowls, cooking pots really, when cooking was done by dropping hot stones into water-tight food baskets, and for decoration a design in colored bark of the procession of plumed crests of the valley quail.

"What do you think, Doe?" said I. "Radley's making me sweat to get into the Team." A momentary pain and jealousy overspread Doe's face. Quickly passing, it gave place to a whimsical glance, as he rejoined: "What do you think? Honion's doing the same with me." "Look here, then," said I, as much despairingly as generously, "I'll stand down. You'll be fifty times better than I shall."

In a little hollow of the foothills its mother, hamstrung by a pair of wolves and exhausted by her gallant fight against the inevitable, was making a last frantic effort to defend her offspring cowering between her feet. The revolver flashed twice vengefully and then a third time mercifully, for the poor doe's condition was hopeless.

It was Doe's voice. "Why didn't you say so before?" "I was just going to when you came in." Radley looked straight into the brown eyes of the boy who was supposed to be his favourite, and Doe looked back unshiftingly; he had heard those condemned, who did not look people straight in the face, and I fancy he rather exaggerated his steady return gaze. "I'm sure you were," said Radley.

Now he has stopped and is talking with the miller." She leaned back on the pillows and her eyes watched the door. "Eh, Fräulein! Nein, I hear nothing! What an ear you have keen as a doe's when the wind is towards her! At home, in the forest, where the deer run wild and they come in the dawn to the Schneide to graze whischt!

As I produced this strange figure, I began to feel, somewhere in the region of my waist, motions of calf-love for the girl Doe that I had created. But, as Doe's prowess at cricket asserted itself upon my mind, his gender became conclusively established, and ah, well, I was half asleep.

There are in the woods occasional moanings, premonitions of change, which are inaudible to the dull ears of men, but which, I have no doubt, the forest-folk hear and understand. If the doe's suspicions were excited for an instant, they were gone as soon. With an affectionate glance at her fawn, she continued picking up her breakfast.

"And you, Ray?" "Eighteen, sir," said I, feeling Doe's companion in guilt. "Splendid, perfectly splendid!" replied the Colonel. "Eighteen, by Jove! You've timed your lives wonderfully, my boys. To be eighteen in 1914 is to be the best thing in England. England's wealth used to consist in other things. Nowadays you boys are the richest thing she's got.