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By this time the lighthouse keeper had made his way over to them. Finding who they were, he invited them to bring their luncheon and row over to Little Gull Island with him, to see the lighthouse. There was a dancing breeze when they turned homeward that afternoon; the boat canted saucily, and little feathers of spray kept tickling Dodo's nose.

"Respectable!" said the Ambassador, contemptuously; "nothing would make you respectable you ridiculous object, you." "I think you are most un un ki ki kind," sobbed the Dodo, "you are always pi pi pi pitching into m me, and ca ca calling me n n nasty names. It it it's too bad." "Oh, stop that noise," said the Ambassador, giving the Dodo's wool a twist; "I'm ashamed of you.

Diablette had been a standing cause of friction between Lady Dauntrey and the dog's mistress; but the marmoset, its successful rival in Dodo's affections, was grudgingly permitted whenever Lord Dauntrey had borrowed fifty francs or so, to select its own fruit from the dessert.

"Inhuman wretch there!" said Marjorie, bursting into tears, while the Dodo's friends assisted him up from the ground, where he was lying in a half-fainting condition. "Bear up, old man," said the Archæopteryx, sympathetically, fanning him with his tail. "When did he say?" inquired the Dodo, faintly. "In an hour's time," said Dick, sadly. The Dodo shuddered. "Stop!" said the Eterædarium, suddenly.

I was only trying to look on the bright side of things in case our plans should fall through. Hello who's this?" "This" proved to be Mollie's little sister Dora, or "Dodo," as she was called by almost everybody. With a sigh of relief, the girls saw that Dodo's twin brother, Paul, was not with her, for together the children were a simply unconquerable pair.

And there is no denying that our new vital conditions on this side of the planet suggest some very grave questions, such as these: Whether there be not a gradual deterioration of the primitive European stock under these influences; and, Whether it is not possible that the imported human breed may run out here, so that, some time or other, the resuscitated tribes of Algonquins and Hurons may show a long shank of the extinct Yankee, as they show the Dodo's foot at the British Museum.

"Why, there is one of the men from the Farm with a team," said Rap, as they tacked close to the beach half an hour later. "He is waving a letter or something, I think." It did not take the party long to land, or the Doctor to read his letter, which said that Nat's and Dodo's parents were coming to the Farm in a couple of days. "So we must go home to-morrow," said the Doctor.

To-morrow I will begin by answering Dodo's questions whether a bird is an animal, and why it has feathers." "I think a bird is something like a boat," said Rap eagerly. "When it flies its wings are like sails in the air, and when it swims its feet row under the water, and the tail balances behind like a rudder and the head sticks out in front like the bowsprit."

By the time you have heard about these six birds and some of their near relations, such as the Butcher Bird, you will have been introduced to the chief of the Birds that Sing and be on the way to those that only Croak and Call. We will begin with Dodo's 'Talking Bird." "This bird is the most popular member of his family and he has twenty brothers, all living in North America."

"Oh, I've heard you plotting and planning. Mother Bonnivel, are you going to turn us Driscolls out of doors, now you've come into your palace?" "Oh dear, no palace! Just a comfortable home with room enough to swing all Dodo's kittens in," laughed Joyce, to keep back the tears, for the dear mother's joy upset her.