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Withall, I knew the judgment others made of me; and I perceiv'd that I was no less esteem'd then my fellow Students, although there were some amongst them that were destin'd to fill our Masters rooms.

In castris natus, patriis nutritius in armis, Jam designati principis omen erat. Born in the camp, and train'd in every toil Which taught his sire the haughtiest foes to foil; Destin'd he seem'd by fate to raise his name, And rule the empire with Augustan fame. I find in the public registers that he was born at Antium.

Oh why were those dear arms, whose soft pressings ravish where they circle, destin'd for a body cold and dull, that could sleep insensibly there, and not so much as dream the while what the transporting pleasure signified; but unconcerned receive the wondrous blessing, and never knew its price, or thank'd her stars?

But what's all this to being here this Morning? Gay. Bel. Didst thou? pursue thy kind Design. Get me to see her; and sure no Woman, even possest with a new Passion, Grown confident even to Prostitution, But when she sees the Man to whom she's sworn so very very much, will find Remorse and Shame. Gay. Hah see the Bridegroom! And with him my destin'd Cuckold, old Sir Cautious Fulbank.

Happy Men! said he, to whose Species the divine Goodness has been so indulgent! Miserable Cacklogallinians! if destin'd, after bearing the Ills of Life, to Annihilation. Let us, Probusomo, never think of returning, but beg we may be allow'd to end our Days with these Favourites of Heaven. I interpreted this to the Selenite, who shook his Head, and said it was, he believ'd, impossible.

They owed to him their two or three politest puzzles; and the joy and exultation with which at last he recalled, and rather sentimentally recited, that well-known charade, My first doth affliction denote, Which my second is destin'd to feel And my whole is the best antidote That affliction to soften and heal. made her quite sorry to acknowledge that they had transcribed it some pages ago already.

Prayer's arrow drawn Down to the head by nervous penitence, Or meek humility's compliant strings, Wings to the destin'd mark its certain way, And ne'er was shot in vain! O pilgrims, beware of this Madam Bubble! Know and consider well, that ye have a nature exactly suited to accept of her offers, and to fall in love with her promises.

How, Sir, not to Church, the chiefest Recreation of a City Lady? Sir Feeb. That's all one, Madam, that tricking and dressing, and prinking and patching, is not your Devotion to Heaven, but to the young Knaves that are lick'd and comb'd and are minding you more than the Parson ods bobs, there are more Cuckolds destin'd in the Church, than are made out of it. Sir Cau. Bel.

May all the Mischiefs of despairing Love Fall on me if it be. Bea. That's well enough Bred. Bea. Ay, if you were me you might do what you pleas'd; but I'm of another mind. Dia. Shou'd I consent, my Father is a Man whom Interest sways, not Honour; and whatsoever Promises he 'as made you, he means to break 'em all, and I am destin'd to another. Bea.

Born out of and in this age, when Milton, Bunyan, Dryden and John Locke were still living amid the memories of Queen Elizabeth and James First, and the events of their reigns when the radiance of that galaxy of poets, warriors, statesmen, captains, lords, explorers, wits and gentlemen, that crowded the courts and times of those sovereigns still fill'd the atmosphere when America commencing to be explor'd and settled commenc'd also to be suspected as destin'd to overthrow the old standards and calculations when Feudalism, like a sunset, seem'd to gather all its glories, reminiscences, personalisms, in one last gorgeous effort, before the advance of a new day, a new incipient genius amid the social and domestic circles of that period indifferent to reverberations that seem'd enough to wake the dead, and in a sphere far from the pageants of the court, the awe of any personal rank or charm of intellect, or literature, or the varying excitement of Parliamentarian or Royalist fortunes this curious young rustic goes wandering up and down England.