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That puir auld Roman ane, ye can bring him forat when ye list, bad as he is. 'Faenum habet in cornu; his name's ower his shop-door. But these anonymies priests o' the order of Melchisedec by the deevil's side, without father or mither, beginning o' years nor end o' days without a local habitation or a name-as kittle to baud as a brock in a cairn " "What do you mean, Mr.

"Ye are a dauring villain, Rob," answered the Bailie; "and ye will be hanged, that will be seen and heard tell o'; but I'se ne'er be the ill bird and foul my nest, set apart strong necessity and the skreigh of duty, which no man should hear and be inobedient. And wha the deevil's this?" he continued, turning to me "Some gillravager that ye hae listed, I daur say.

I'm sair forfaughten this mony a year wi' watching the puir gowks, trying to do God's wark wi' the deevil's tools. Tak tent o' that." And I did "tak tent o' it." Still there would have been as little present consolation as usual in Mackaye's unwelcome truths, even if the matter had stopped there. But, alas! it did not stop there. O'Flynn seemed determined to "run a muck" at me.

This honest, straightforward little story made father so angry that he exclaimed with heavy, foreboding emphasis: "The very deevil's in that boy!"

If it is as I'm thinkin' he winna hear us. His evil spirit is awa i' puir 'Brownie's' body, bent on Deevil's wark. Here's for it! and as he spake he thrust swiftly with his foot and broke down the wooden bolt that fastened the door. In we went I holding the little 'bowet' on high to give us light. 'Ay, whispered my companion in my ear, 'I'm richt.

"Ha, ha!" exclaimed Duprez slyly, "the dear Phil-eep is in love?" "Something more than that," said Lorimer, looking absently at the cigarette he held between his fingers, "he's an engaged man." "Engaged!" cried Macfarlane excitedly. "Ma certes! He has the deevil's own luck! He's just secured for himself the grandest woman in the warld!"

"The deevil's in the women," said poor Hobbie; "they would nicker, and laugh, and giggle, if their best friend was lying a corp and yet I am glad they can keep up their hearts sae weel, poor silly things; but the dirdum fa's on me, to be sure, and no on them." While he thus meditated, he was engaged in fastening up his horse in a shed.

Is Satan to grip her 'cause ye winna be neebour til her and hand him aff o' her? I ken ye're a guid son sae far as lat her du as she likes and tak 'maist a' the siller, but that's what greases the exle o' the cairt the deevil's gotten her intil! I ken weel she hesna been muckle o' a mither til ye, but ye're her son whan a' 's said.

Ere he reached the end of the long avenue, however, a ball whistled past him, and the report of a pistol was heard. 'It was that deevil's buckle, Callum Beg, said Alick; 'I saw him whisk away through amang the reises.

The great God protec' 's frae his ain gifts! Wi'oot him they're ten times waur nor ony wiles o' the deevil's ain. But I'll pray, Cosmo; I'll pray." The real might of temptation is in the lower and seemingly nearer loveliness as against the higher and seemingly farther. Cosmo went back to his work.