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You d'sire me `crow' de hole any wida or deepa, I soon make 'im deep's a draw-well an' wide as de track ob a waggon. Wha' say, Mass' Brace?" "Hurraw for you, Snowy! It be just the thing. I dar say it's deep enough, and wide as we'll want it. You ha got good brains, nigger, not'ithstanding what them lubbers as they call filosaphurs say. I'm a white, an' niver thought o' it.

Meet was it that, its ancient seats forsaking, An Empire should set forth with dauntless sail, And braving tempests and the deep's betrayal, Break down the barriers of inviolate worlds That Cortez and Pizarro should esteem The blood of man a trivial sacrifice When, flinging down from their ancestral thrones Incas and Mexicans of royal line, They wrecked two kingdoms to refresh thy palate

'My girl, said I, 'how deep's the water and what's the price of butter? 'Up to your waist and nine pence, was the prompt and significant response! Let my learned friend beat that if he can, in brevity and force of expression, by aught to be found in all his treasury of classic lore!"

"As I watch the ocean In pitiless commotion, Like the thoughts, now surging wildly through my storm-tost breast, The snow-capt, heaving billows Seem to me as lace-fring'd pillows Of the deep Deep's bed of rest!" Did you ever chance to read Chateaubriand's Genie du Christianisme?

It's a queer thing, we only lost one hand, and that was the carpenter, and he died the same day poor Sal was murdered down Bermondsey way. It's a queer world, this, no matter where you're cruising! But there's one thing you'll learn if you live as long as me; a woman's heart and the ocean deep's much about the same. This was not a cheerful story, but it was soon driven out of our heads by others.