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They will have to do their cooking outside, but there is a stove in the place which will keep them warm at night. I have just seen the old chief, and the Indians will loan what blankets they can spare until the steamer arrives." Sol's eyes opened wide with amazement. "De'ye mean it?" he asked.

"I mean, 'What de'ye drink?" "Oh, I see," and Pete stroked his beard meditatively. "Wall, t'stimerlate the heart I sometimes drink the water of Life; to freshen up the mind a bit, I swaller a few drops from the mighty spring of Nater; while to keep this old carcase bright I find the good Lord's sparklin' water jist the thing. Have ye ever tried it?" Perdue was certainly puzzled.

"None the best, sir," came the reply. "But, say, how's Pete?" "Bad, very bad," and a pained expression came into Keith's face. "Any chance of gittin' better, de'ye think?" "I'm afraid not. He is wounded internally. He was badly jammed by the ice." "An' how did you come through without gittin' pinched?" "I cannot tell. It was all like a terrible dream.

"What! go to them skunks fer help?" and the boy clenched his fists. "Never! They're stealin' our logs an' we can't do nothin'. De'ye think we'd ask old Pete Sinclair's men to do anything fer us? We'd die first. Jimmy an' me's been waitin' fer some time fer old Pete to come our way.

"But de'ye think I'm worthy, laddie?" "That's not the question, Pete. I doubt if any of us are really worthy of the blessings we receive, and if we waited until we were worthy to follow His command about the Communion we would never take it at all. If we waited until we were well before obeying the doctor's orders, what good would they do?

I'm goin' home." "No, ye ain't." "Yes, I am." A scuffle followed these words, and Douglas could dimly see the forms of the two men as they rolled and tumbled about on the ground. Then some one pulled them apart and administered a resounding cuff upon their ears. "Stop fightin', ye fools," was the peremptory order. "De'ye want to spoil the whole show to-night?" "Who's spoilin' the show?"