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"It's as thick as soor milk, be dam'd!" "Well, get him up, and I'll away back and redd out the shots and try and get it through again. The moss is rising quicker noo an' it has only aboot eighty feet to come." So back he went among the thick choking volume of smoke, tripping and stumbling and staggering from side to side as he scrambled on.

Trade Union officials should attend tae Trade Union affairs. That's what we pay them for. But it looks to me as if they were a' that dam'd busy trying to get intae Parliament, thet they hinna time to look after oor affairs." "I'm kind o' suspeecious aboot it mysel', Tam," said Robert quietly, as they made their way to the hall that night.

Har. A very fair Declaration. Mop. Scar. Har. How long have you commenc'd Apothecary, Seignior? Scar. Ever since you turn'd Farmer. Are not you a damn'd Rogue to put these Tricks upon me, and most dishonourably break all Articles between us? Har. And are not you a dam'd Son of a something to break Articles with me? Scar. Har. Enter the Doctor, which they seeing, come on with more Courage.

I heard ma fall over a willow rocking chair, and say, 'scat, and I heard Pa say, 'well, I'm dam'd, and a girl that sings in the choir say, 'Heavens, I am stabbed, then my chum and me ran to the front of the house and come down the front stairs looking as innocent as could be, and we went in the library, and I was just going to tell Pa if there was any errands he wanted run my chum and me was just aching to run them, when a yellow cat without any tail was walking over the minister, and Pa was throwing a hassock at two cats that were clawing each other under the piano, and Ma was trying to get her frizzes back on her head, and the choir girl was standing on the lounge with her dress pulled up, trying to scare cats with her striped stockings, and the minister was holding his hands up, and I guess he was asking a blessing on the cats, and my chum opened the front door and all the cats went out.

We're going to have a race for it even though we manage as I'm thinking to. So get out of the way and don't talk. Again the air's getting too dam'd thick for you all remaining here. There's hardly as muckle as would keep a canary living," and again he called to those on the other side to beware of the shots, and again ran out to a place of safety while the explosions took place.

'I'm a Cubian pathrite, an' I'd lay down me life an' the lives iv ivry wan iv th' eighteen brave men iv me devoted ar-rmy, he says; 'but I'll be dam'd if I carry a thrunk, he says.

"A dam'd guid innins, an' I canna see what the hell you hae to yowl at." "A guid innins, you muckle black-hearted brute!" she cried. "By heavens, an' I'll see that you get yours afore I hae done wi' you. Dinna think though I hae been saft wi' you a' along, that I'll ay be like that.

William sat down meekly on a chair, looking rather pale. Mr. Blank, whose philosophy was to take the goods the gods gave and not look to the future, began to make a hearty meal. "Are you looking for work, my poor man?" asked Mrs. de Vere Carter, leaning forward in her chair. Her poor man replied with simple, manly directness that he "was dam'd if he was. See?" Mr.

It's a dam'd puir life to leave, an' while it maybe is a woman's lot in life to sell hersel' for ease and comfort, it's a' bad for her when she does it in a way that the world says is a wrang way; for she soon finds that her life isna worth a tinker's curse. She sells hersel' an' it's no worth while complainin' if the bargain turns oot a rotten yin.

He listened for a moment abstractedly; then he flew at his work once more, dumping everything he had out on his bed and stuffing what he needed back into his war bag; but when there came a second peal of laughter, he stopped and craned his neck. "Well I'll be dam'd!" he muttered, as he recognized the voice, and then he flew at his work again, manhandling everything in sight.