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But if you're him, and even if you've got back only a few hours before it's up, I'm willing, and I think dad'll be, for you to have the claim. But you must pay for what we've done on it." "I never ast y' t' do anything on it." "That's so. But the law says " "Aw, th' law be damned! I don't pay a cent!" "Then I know dad won't leave." "Oh, you do." "Yes," very quietly.

The little girl ran a step towards the door, and then stopped and shrank back against the bed. "If you're afraid your Dad'll find you here," said Vic, "just you run along." She was nervously twisting her hands in her dress. "Daddy Dan'll know," she whispered without turning. "And and he won't let me be afraid -even of him!"

"You an' yo' dawg, though Mammy don't like dawgs much; but you air a stranger an' you ain't afeerd, an' you can fight you an' yo' dawg an' I know Dad'll take ye both in."

She led Sage King to a rock and mounted him. "It's good to see you up there," said Slone. "An' that splendid horse! ... He knows what he is. It'll break Bostil's heart to see that horse beat." "Dad'll feel bad, but it'll do him good," replied Lucy. That was the old rider's ruthless spirit speaking out of his daughter's lips.

Nicky was talking on about it, excitedly, as he used to talk on about his pleasures when he was a child. If Dad'll let us have the racing car, we'll go down to Morfe. We can do it in a day." "My dear boy," Anthony said, "don't you know I've lent the house to the Red Cross, and let the shooting?" "I don't care. There's the little house in the village we can have.

As for riding astride, Dad'll never let you ride any other way, so you can keep your mind easy about that. Well, never mind governesses, anyhow; you haven't got one yet, and sufficient unto the day is the governess thereof. What are we going to do to-morrow?" "Can't do very much," said Norah, still showing traces of gloom.

All you've got to do is to go downstairs, and walk out." Harry was by no means slow to take the hint. "Good-by, Joel," he said, extending his hand; "I won't forget the favor you've done me." "I don't know what dad'll say. There'll be an awful fuss. Just give me a box on the ear, won't you?" "What for?"

He's wonderful fine about gettin' out of fixes. Dad'll know what to do. He'll be gettin' you out of your fix easy as a swile slips off a rock. You'll see!"

She must be waiting for me now, so you can pull up and run me ashore when we get there. She phoned to me to come at once, as she wants to see me on special business." "I'm goin' to stop, anyway," Eben replied. "Dad'll be waitin' fer me. He went ashore with ma." It was only with difficulty that Grimsby repressed a chuckle of delight.

What was the old woman doin' wi' such a ring tied up in such a queer way?" "I don't know," said Gertie. "Well, it ain't no business of mine, but we must try to git hold of it somehow. I'll be off dooty at six, and your dad'll be passin' in a few minutes. After I'm free, I'll go up to the shed and have a palaver with 'im. There he is."