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Screws went into wood, bolts went into threaded holes and nuts all went onto bolts when you turned them with a clockwise motion. Counterclockwise removed them. In his hand was the crude D'zertano nut and bolt, and when he tried it it moved in the same manner. But the engine bolt did not work that way it had to be turned clockwise to remove it.

He opened the door and shouted for the guards, and for his son, Narsisi, who arrived as they were unlocking Jason who recognized him as the same droop-eyed and sleepy looking D'zertano who had been helping Edipon to drive their ungainly vehicle. "Seize this chain my son and keep your club ready to kill this slave if he makes any attempt to escape.

Now sit friend Ch'aka and drink with me." He carefully opened the basket and removed a stone crock and two crockery mugs. "Where you get poison drink?" Jason asked, remembering his local manners. This D'zertano was a smart one and had been able to tell instantly from Jason's voice that there had been a change in slaves. "And what your name?"

Instead I came looking for you and was trapped and broken back to slavery where I belong for pulling such a stupid trick." The door crashed open and harsh sunlight streamed into the windowless building. "On your feet slaves!" a D'zertano shouted in through the opening. A chorus of shufflings and groans broke out as the men stirred to life.