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The immense popularity of this poem we gather from many evidences from none more clearly than from this. He ascribes its general reception to its introduction into a popular work on geography, published in 1507. This error the French in another shape repeat with their 'dinde' originally 'poulet d'Inde, or Indian fowl.

Those who were honest brought them of their own accord; the others kept them, and they are marked, without the public knowing anything about it. The manifesto is the work of Malezieux and the Cardinal de Polignac. A pamphlet has been cried about the streets, entitled, "Un arret contre les poules d'Inde."

Those who were honest brought them of their own accord; the others kept them, and they are marked, without the public knowing anything about it. The manifesto is the work of Malezieux and the Cardinal de Polignac. A pamphlet has been cried about the streets, entitled, "Un arret contre les poules d'Inde."

A 'd'Inde aux truffes' is capital eating; so is a turkey with cranberry sauce. I sometimes think I could fancy even a pumpkin pie, though there is not a fragment of the rock of Plymouth in the granite of my frame." "I have always told you, sir, that America is a capital eating and drinking country, let it want civilization in other matters, as much as it may."

Those who were honest brought them of their own accord; the others kept them, and they are marked, without the public knowing anything about it. The manifesto is the work of Malezieux and the Cardinal de Polignac. A pamphlet has been cried about the streets, entitled, "Un arret contre les poules d'Inde."