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On one occasion we find the learned gentleman humanely visiting an unfortunate detenu no other person, in fact, than his friend M. Bertrand, who has fallen into some trouble, and is awaiting the sentence of the law. He begins "Mon cher Bertrand, donne moi cent ecus, je te fais acquitter d'emblee." "J'ai pas d'argent." "He bien, donne moi cent francs." "Pas le sou." "Tu n'as pas dix francs?"

Renoir will have his place in that school, but another niche has been prepared for him amongst an even grander company. In this they said: Dès l'instant votre tableau s'est trouvé installé parmi les chefs-d'oeuvre des maîtres anciens, nous avons eu la joie de constater qu'un de nos contemporains avait pris place d'emblée parmi les grands maîtres de la tradition européenne.

"I have met him. But he's a queer fish, and quite without breeding. You know, one of those uncouth new people one's so often coming across nowadays, one of those free-thinkers you know, who are reared d'emblée in theories of atheism, scepticism, and materialism.

But place yourself at a bound, or d'emblée, as M. Bergson says, inside of the living, moving, active thickness of the real, and all the abstractions and distinctions are given into your hand: you can now make the intellectualist substitutions to your heart's content.

The coldest day that Paris has ever known, since goodness knows when, has suddenly burst upon us, and skating is just dawning on the Parisians. The ice on the little lake of Suresnes has frozen d'emblee, and I was crazy to go there and skate. We had stayed late in the country, having spent Christmas en famille, and only returned to Paris a few days ago.