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Which I did, and by and by did go down by water to Deptford, and then down further, and so landed at the lower end of the town, and it being dark 'entrer en la maison de la femme de Bagwell', and there had 'sa compagnie', though with a great deal of difficulty, 'neanmoins en fin j'avais ma volont d'elle', and being sated therewith, I walked home to Redriffe, it being now near nine o'clock, and there I did drink some strong waters and eat some bread and cheese, and so home.

And Thelma wept as many of her sex weep, without knowing why, save that all suddenly she felt herself most lonely and forlorn like Sainte Beuve's "Colombe gemissante, Qui demande par pitie Sa moitie, Sa moitie loin d'elle absente!" "A wicked will, A woman's will; a cankered grandame's will!" King John. "By Jove!"

J'ai prie Sir Alexander de m'envoyer la meilleure gravure en photographie qui existe d'elle. Envoyez moi aussi, je vous prie, ce qui sera publie sur son compte, et ajoutez y tous les details que vous recueillerez. Sadly and sincerely yours,

"And I believe he has brought one of his friends to stay the night too. . . . Hateful!" No more peace. When the loud noise of some one blowing his nose and putting off his goloshes dies away, the singer hears cautious footsteps in her bedroom. . . . It is her husband, mari d'elle, Denis Petrovitch Nikitin. He brings a whiff of cold air and a smell of brandy.

"There, you see . . ." says mari d'elle, as he stretches himself on the sofa, "it was all honey just now . . . my love, my dear, my darling, kisses and embraces . . . but as soon as money is touched upon, then. . . . As you see . . . money is the great thing. . . . Good night!" A minute later there is a snore.

Action, passion, affairs life explored and exploited and at last "que la mort me treuve plantant mes choulx mais nonchalant d'elle! et encore plus de mon jardin imparfaict!" He declaimed the words of the great Frenchman with something of the same temper in which the devout man would have made an act of faith.

Then they all struck the attitudes for the closing tableau and in one last burst of music sang all together, "Mon Dieu, ayez pitié de moi" and "de lui" and "d'elle" and "de nous." Then the orchestra closed with a long roll of the kettle-drums, and the prima donna fainted into the arms of her confidante. The curtain fell. There was a roar of applause. The gallery whistled and stamped.

Mari d'elle coughs and, without looking at his wife, takes off his braces. "If you don't go away, you insolent creature, I shall go," the singer goes on, stamping her bare foot, and looking at him with flashing eyes. "I shall go! Do you hear, insolent . . . worthless wretch, flunkey, out you go!" "You might have some shame before outsiders," mutters her husband . . . .

Ou quais noutre fille? Quais qu'on avait fait d'elle d'on?" "Quite finished?" asked Gard quietly, as the other came to a stop for want of breath. "Say it all over again in English, and I'll know what you're talking about." "English be !" he broke out afresh, in a turgid mixture of tongues. "Séducteur, amuseur! Where's our Nance? Gaderabotin, what have you done with the girl?

J'étois si près d'elle qu'on me dit de m'èloigner: ainsi je pus la voir parfaitement. Elle avoit aux oreilles un fermail (anneau) large et plat, orné de plusieurs pierres précieuses, et particulièrement de rubis. Elle me parut jeune, blanche, et plus belle encore que dans l'église; en un mot, je n'y eusse trouvé rien