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Charette will be in arms, and d'Autachamps, the Prince de Talmont, and M. Bonchamps. At present their business is at a distance from us; but we shall probably be all brought together sooner or later, and they will all be welcome at Durbelliere."

"A fine sentiment, Denot," said d'Autachamps; "but how will you avoid the treason? how do you purpose to rescue his Majesty?" "With my sword," said Adolphe, turning round shortly. "Do you doubt my will?" "We only doubt your power, Adolphe," said de Lescure.

"He could do nothing," said d'Autachamps, "but add himself to the ruins the regiments, to a man, would side with the populace." "I don't know," said Larochejaquelin, "I don't think so. See how our Swiss fought could any men be more true to their officers or their colours? and do you think there are not thousands in the French army as true, as brave as they?

D'Autachamps and the Prince de Talmont were there also; men, who throughout the war had lent every energy to its furtherance. At another time, and under other circumstances, they might have expressed indignation at being called on to serve under a man so much their junior; but de Lescure's position checked, not only the expression of any such feeling, but the feeling itself.

Charette, the Prince de Talmont, d'Autachamps, Fleuriot, and others, all of whom now detested the Revolution, though they could not but feel the danger of proclaiming themselves royalists. "Denot will be here directly," said La Rochejaquelin; "he is at the Assembly they are not apt to be very tedious in their decisions."

The Prince de Talmont is with us, M. Fleuriot, and M. d'Autachamps, every gentleman of standing in the country will help the good cause; my friend here, Adolphe Denot, will fight for us to the last drop of his blood." Cathelineau bowed graciously, as he was in this way introduced by Larochejaquelin to his friend.

"But unfortunately," said d'Autachamps, "it is Danton, Robespierre, and the mob of Paris who have now the supreme power, and for a time will have their way they who are wise will lie by till the storm has blown over."