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Swift described the writer of the scandal as a "stupid, infamous, scribbling woman"; Peterborough writing to Lady Mary Montagu in behalf of his friend, the English Homer, sneered at the "four remarkable poetesses and scribblers, Mrs. Centlivre, Mrs. Haywood, Mrs. Manley, and Mrs. July, 1749. Mme de Villedieu, Annales galantes de Grece and Les exiles de la cour d'Auguste.

Dezobry's Rome au siècle d'Auguste, Augustin Thierry's Récits mérovingiens, and other "pictures" produced at the same epoch were constructed on the same principle, and are subject to the same drawbacks as the historical novels properly so-called. We may summarise what precedes by saying that, up to about 1850, history continued to be, both for historians and the public, a branch of literature.

Vois ce Salon, et tu perdras Cette prévention injuste, Et bien étonné conviendras Qu'il ne faut pas qu'un Mecenas Pour revoir le Siècle d'Auguste.

But this is exceptional; as a rule, elaborate compliments take the place of personal confessions; and, while Voltaire is never tired of comparing Frederick to Apollo, Alcibiades, and the youthful Marcus Aurelius, of proclaiming the rebirth of 'les talents de Virgile et les vertus d'Auguste, or of declaring that 'Socrate ne m'est rien, c'est Frédéric que j'aime, the Crown Prince is on his side ready with an equal flow of protestations, which sometimes rise to singular heights. 'Ne croyez pas, he says, 'que je pousse mon scepticisime

"As to the books to be suggested for your work, partly the fact that no one can really suggest food for another, partly the fact that I don't clearly understand the nature of your work these perhaps make a good excuse if the following list is worthless. It is all I have been able to gather together. "Littre, 'Vie d'Auguste Comte. St. Hilaire, 'Vie et travaux de Geoffroy St.