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"I visited it the first time I came over the road. You get a good look at the peaks of Mont Douron on the other side of the valley, and that's all; the grotto itself is not remarkable. But I think it will be worth while to halt a moment when we come to the fall of Nant d'Arpenaz. That is really marvellous. It is said to be nearly as fine as the Staubbach."

How poignant must have been her anguish that day on Montanvert if she cared for him! She loved him how could he doubt it? but she had accepted the hopelessness of the position. In his own mind he had accused her of coquetry in their walk at the cascade of Nant d'Arpenaz. He saw through it all now; the scales had fallen from his eyes. She was hiding her misery under a smooth face, as women will.

«Une montagne plus rapprochée de notre cascade, et qui presente aussi ce phénomène, est située derrière elle au nord-est entre le village de Seiz et les granges des Fonds. Cette montagne porte le nom d'Anterne. Elle est plus élevée que celle du Nant d'Arpenaz, ses couches forment des arcs concentriques plus grands et plus recourbés encore, et l'on voit de même

By and by, at a bend of the road after passing Magland, the waterfall became visible in the distance. The cascade of Nant d'Arpenaz is one of the highest falls in Savoy, and if it is not the most beautiful, one can still well afford, having seen that, not to see the others.