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Non prendite le fiori di nessuno, Se vuoi un garofletto, lo do io. Fior di limone! Limone e agra, e le fronde son' amare, Ma son' piu' amare le pene d'amor'. Lo mi' amore che si chiama Peppe, Lo primo giuocatore delle carte Prende 'sto cuore e giuoca a tre-sette. The woman who weeps so much for the man's sake Yet, the complaint of women is a feigned one. My love! Do not accept flowers from anyone.

The charm deepened; and when she had sung 'Le Parlate d'Amor' as no mortal ever sung and looked it, she left the stage and carried my heart and soul away with her. What chance had I? Here shone all the beauties that adorn the body, all the virtues and graces that embellish the soul; they were wedded to poetry and ravishing music, and gave and took enchantment.

"Tanto lieta Ch' arder parea d'amor nel primo foco." Many came and saw her, and the suspicion ceased." He was brother of Robert, who succeeded the father, and who was the friend of Petrarch. "The adventures of Cunizza, overcome by the influence of her star," says Cary, "are related by the chronicler Rolandino of Padua, lib. i. cap. 3, in Muratori, Rer. Ital. Script. tom. viii. p. 173.

Her glorious eyes speak to mine, and inspire me. She is happy, she is. I drink sunbeams at her. I shall act and sing 'Le Parlate d'Amor' for her and you will see." Between the acts, who should come in but Ned Severne, and glided into the vacant stall by Zoe's side. She quivered at his coming near her; he saw it, and felt a thrill of pleasure himself. "How is 'S. T.?" said she, kindly.

Take one pound of butter, and warm it over the fire with a little milk, then put it into a pan with one pound of flour, six beaten eggs, a quarter of a pound of beaten sweet almonds, and two table-spoonsful of yeast; make these ingredients into a light paste, and set it before the fire to rise; then grease a deep dish, and place in a layer of the paste, then some egg prepared as for Bola d'Amor, then slices of citron, and a layer of egg marmalade, sprinkle each layer with cinnamon, and fill the dish with alternate layers.

"Oh miracol d'amor! che le faville Tragge del pianto, e'i cor' ne l'acqua accende." St. 76. Oh, miracle of love! that draweth sparks Of fire from tears, and kindlest hearts in water!

This rising of the star of love as it ascends into the heaven of youthful fancy, is revealed in the melodies Mozart has written for him. How shall we describe their potency? Who shall translate those curiously perfect words to which tone and rhythm have been indissolubly wedded? E pur mi piace languir cosi.... E se non ho chi m' oda, parlo d'amor con me.

Couldn't you both dine with me here?" The former prima donna wiped her loose mouth. She could, she would, and she said so. Paliser put the flowers before Cassy. "Le parlate d'amor," the ex-diva began and, slightly for a moment, her deep voice mounted. Cassy turned on her. "You're an imbecile." With an uplift of the chin a family habit Paliser summoned the waiter.