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On one occasion there was a large gathering, where all three of the candidates were present, and each one was expected to make a speech. It came Crockett's lot to speak first. He knew nothing of Congressional affairs, and had sense enough to be aware that it was not best for him to attempt to speak upon subjects of which he was entirely ignorant.

His electioneering tours had been to him very valuable schools of education. Carefully he listened to all the speeches and the conversation of the intelligent men he met with. John Quincy Adams was then in the Presidential chair. It was the year 1827. Nearly all Crockett's constituents were strong Jackson-men.

There were at that time three men who were inmates of that lowly hut Crockett, a young man, Flavius Harris, who had taken up his abode with the pioneer, and a brother in-law, who had recently emigrated to that wild country, and had reared his cabin not far distant from Crockett's. They all turned out hunting.

Vain authors, publisher's men, may write as they like about Shakespeare's country, or Scott's country, or Carlyle's country, or Crockett's country, but 'Oh, good gigantic smile of the brown old earth! the land laughs at the delusions of the men who hurriedly cross its surface. 'Rydal and Fairfield are there, In the shadow Wordsworth lies dead.

But before we got there, two more of our men died of wounds they had received, making our total loss seventeen good fellows in that battle." Indian Warfare. The Army at Fort Strother. Crockett's Regiment. Crockett at Home. His Reenlistment. Jackson Surprised. Military Ability of the Indians. Humiliation of the Creeks. March to Florida. Affairs at Pensacola. Capture of the City.

I saw him go into Danby's house by the side way and come away again. Danby it was, then, who had arranged the business; and nobody was more likely, considering his large pecuniary stake against Crockett's winning this race. "But now how to find Crockett? I made up my mind he wouldn't be in Danby's own house. That would be a deal too risky, with servants about and so on.

In Crockett's ludicrous account of this adventure, he writes: "The General refused to let us go. We were, however, determined to go. With this, the General issued his orders against it. We began to fix for a start. The General went and placed his cannon on a bridge we had to cross, and ordered out his regulars and drafted men to prevent our crossing.

On such a journey, an animal who naturally walks fast is of much more value than one which has attained high speed upon the race-course. Thus pleasantly mounted, David and his kind protector rode along together until they came within about fifteen miles of John Crockett's tavern, where their roads diverged.

The more respectable portion of Crockett's constituents were so annoyed that their representative should be thus held up to the contempt of the nation, that Crockett felt constrained to present a reliable refutation of the story. He therefore obtained and published certificates from three gentlemen, testifying to his good behavior at the table. Hon. Mr.

Crockett first directed his steps to Hickman County, to engage in his "bran-fire" new work of electioneering for himself as a candidate for the Legislature. What ensued cannot be more graphically told than in Crockett's own language: "Here they told me that they wanted to move their town nearer to the centre of the county, and I must come out in favor of it.